November 2, 2023
October 7 and the Evil Here and Abroad

It's taken me a while to digest what happened in southern Israel on October 7. I realize it's not really informative or productive to publish a blog post that consists of little more than outrage and expletives over what was the largest single-day loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust. In the days and weeks […]

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June 14, 2016
Discrimination and the Orlando Shooting

My most recent column in the San Luis Obispo Tribune is about Cal Poly student Mick Bruckner's Title IX complaint against instructor Michael Winn. In short, Bruckner, a homosexual, has alleged that Winn discriminated against him for little more than voicing orthodox Christian beliefs about homosexuality in a private discussion. A couple of notes on the timeline. […]

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July 16, 2015
Terrorism in Chattanooga

Earlier today a scum-sucking bottom dweller assassinated four Marines in Chattanooga, Tenn. Make no mistake, this was terrorism. In the rush to fill airtime, CNN invited national security analyst Juliette Kayyem to offer words of wisdom complete and total idiocy. Ms. Kayyem has two points. #1: The Marines who were shot and killed aren't allowed to carry […]

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May 25, 2015
The War Against ISIS

In this age of social media, the Obama Administration has made a much of their public relations efforts against various evils around the world. First Lady Michelle Obama famously held up a piece of paper with the #BringBackOurGirls hashtag after the Islamic terrorists of Boko Haram kidnapped more than 200 girls for use as sex […]

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January 7, 2015
Most American journalists are cowards

With the notable exception of the small class of American war correspondents, the vast majority of American journalists are, to use the Texas phrase: "All hat and no cattle." The assassination this morning of ten satirists at the French magazine Charlie Hebdo along with two police officers by adherents of the "Religion of Pieces" has once […]

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September 23, 2012
Completely missing the point

The Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto tweeted a link to this story on the CNN belief blog that literally (a la Joe Biden—which means figuratively) blew my mind. I was raised as an evangelical Christian in America, and any discussion of Christian-Jewish-Muslim relations around the world must include the phenomenon of American Islamophobia, for which […]

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June 27, 2012
Why do Muslims have more rights?

For the same reason that they get much more consideration for their “feelings"—they’ll physically attack you if you don’t submit. Two years ago Dearborn, Mich., paid a group of Christians $100,000 for violating their free speech rights. They better get out the checkbook again. Christians attacked at Festival I generally don’t think that what this […]

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September 27, 2011

So, it looks like Iran is continuing its stellar human-rights record by planning on executing a Christian for apostasy. As early as this week, the British-based Christian Solidarity Worldwide reports, Iran may execute Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani for refusing to recant his Christian faith. As my colleague Paul Marshall recently wrote, evangelical Pastor Nadarkhani was sentenced […]

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July 18, 2011
Identifying the problem

Via Commentary magazine's "Contentions" blog comes this poll on Palestinians' attitudes towards the ultimate end of the so-called "peace process." Only 34 percent of Palestinians support a two-state solution with an Israeli state that is predominately Jewish next to a Palestinian state. 92 percent of Palestinians said Jerusalem should be their capital alone. 1 percent […]

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March 30, 2011

What boundaries does a society or religion have to cross before we can condemn it for barbarity? Is this the line? Hena Akhter's last words to her mother proclaimed her innocence. But it was too late to save the 14-year-old girl. Her fellow villagers in Bangladesh's Shariatpur district had already passed harsh judgment on her. […]

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