August 29, 2003
Racist group helps politician

Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante has refused to denounce the racist group MEChA, instead identfying it as one that helps develop leaders. Earlier, Bustamante was questioned pointedly about his membership as a college student in the Chicano activist organization MEChA, or Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan. The group's strident rhetoric urged retaking the American Southwest, among […]

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August 25, 2003
Punishing California

Thanks to a combination of profligate spending in the late 90s, the tech bubble and the refusal of California legislators to say "no" to the voters who continually want somehting for nothing, Californis is facing an economic crisis. The focus of voters' ire is, of course, Gov. Gray Davis, but people are beginning to raise […]

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August 16, 2003
Playing the race card in Texas

I've written before about the brouhaha over redistricting in Texas. Democrats complain that the move is a power grab -- which it is. But it's also the way politics work. From my previous post on the subject: Texas was redistricted by a court after the Democrats managed to halt a redistricting plan in 2000. Texas […]

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August 12, 2003
PC, racism and Cal Poly

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has posted a transcript of the kangaroo court proceedings against Cal Poly student Steve Hinkle. [Adobe Acrobat Reader required. HTML highlights here.] For those of you unfamiliar with the case, Hinkle walked into Cal Poly's multicultural center to post a flyer advertising a speech by conservative Mason […]

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July 7, 2003
Conservative white male = racist?

Talk about stereotypes. (I would argue that liberal white males are more likely to be racist in the way they treat minorities as barely competent children who somehow need a helping hand from the more privilged.) But the comment that prompts this post has to do with my alma mater, Cal Poly SLO. It seems […]

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May 21, 2003
On racism

The Wall Street Journal's Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. (isn't that a mouthful?) has an article on the Jayson Blair affair. I won't bore you with more about the disgraced former New York Times reporter, but Jenkins did make one point that I think is very valid in this day and age. Take whatever percentage of […]

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May 20, 2003
Race, diversity and hiring

There's a good article over at National Review Online on our continued failure as a society to create a colorblind society. This is an instructive story to keep in mind whenever we are told that companies should look especially hard to find employees that will move the company toward greater "diversity." In the first place, […]

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February 5, 2003
Nelson Mandela Pt. Deux

I received some criticism for suggesting that former South African president Nelson Mandela's racemongering, anti-American statements may be attributed to drug use or possibly senility (he is 84). The truth is, while it may be a little over the top, my suggestions were probably the tamest explanations for Annan's remarks. Yesterday, National Review's Michael Ledeen […]

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January 20, 2003
On a related movie note

Is the following individual a racist? Please vote. I HATE interracial relationships. Why do white men feel that white women are inferior to those baloney smellin' black whores? And it's not only that, but it's as if white men HATE white women, the very people who gave birth to white men. I think that interracial […]

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January 20, 2003
More on conscription and politics

The San Diego Union-Tribune's own Robert J. Caldwell has an article in the Sunday paper on the proposal to resume the draft. The article is based upon some facts from the Pentagon on our all-volunteer military -- and whatever Democratic congressmen Charlie Rangel and John Conyers say -- forcing people into the military that don't […]

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