February 10, 2021
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and society

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Day was celebrated last month and I'm reliably informed that he was some sort of racially insensitive bigot who just wanted black Americans to act more white. I get into these "discussions" on Facebook and I should know better. I've had people I know touting "social justice" and I'll point […]

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November 11, 2016
Election aftermath

Before Tuesday night's election, the worry among many in the media was how Donald Trump supporters would respond once Hillary Clinton's victory was official. This wasn't necessarily a hollow concern; in the election aftermath some Trump supporters had vowed to protest and a handful had even suggested the need to resort to violence if the […]

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September 20, 2016
Black Lives Matter is Getting Black People Killed

The Black Lives Matter movement is getting black people, and police officers, killed. The groundwork was laid with Trayvon Martin, a black teenager who jumped  Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman for following him. Martin was straddling Zimmerman, raining down blows on his head when Zimmerman managed to draw his gun and shoot his attacker. Although […]

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July 17, 2016
The War on Cops

Two years ago, two NYPD officers were killed as they sat in their marked car by a black man angry about the death of Eric Garner and strong-arm robber Michael Brown. Ten days ago, a madman opened fire on cops at a Black Lives Matter protest in downtown Dallas. Five officers were killed and nine […]

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July 14, 2016
Anti-gun nuts

Tonight's horrible terrorist attack in Nice, France, and last week's murder of 5 Dallas cops by a black racist ties together some common themes that we've heard in the media in recent weeks from anti-gun nuts. First, no one who supports the Second Amendment right to bear arms sees it as a panacea. Having an armed citizenry […]

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January 17, 2012
Your liberal media

I must confess that I wasn't going to touch the topic of this week's ridiculous Newsweek cover story by the world's most famous gay man to be obsessed with Sarah Palin's vagina. I also wasn't too interested in the predictable "racism" debate that would spring up when some compared the picture of President Barack Obama […]

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December 4, 2011
Party of bigots

Democrats have long claimed that there’s an undercurrent of anti-black racism throughout the Republican Party. The claim is Boshevik Storytelling. While Democrats hurl the charge repeatedly, their only solid evidence are “dogwhistles” that they alone can construe into some sort of racism. For Democrats and anti-Semitism, especially with President Obama and his 20-year attendance in […]

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June 7, 2011
The lesser stupid

Lost amid all of the endless coverage of the aptly named Rep. Anthony Weiner was DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s latest idiocy. [I]f you go back to the year 2000, when we had an obvious disaster and - and saw that our voting process needed refinement, and we did that in the America Votes Act […]

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September 25, 2010
How’s that post-racial thing working out for you?

Friday morning, while most of the media was focused like a laser on a comedian performing like a court jester on Capitol Hill, Christoper Coates was testifying that the Obama Justice Department was refusing to prosecute blacks for crimes against whites. "I had people who told me point-blank that [they] didn't come to the voting […]

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September 22, 2010
Today’s race-baiting bigot

Loretta Sanchez tells Univision viewers that those pesky Vietnamese are plotting to take her seat from her. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the condemnation from the MSM. If you’re interested, you can contribute to “that Vietnamese” guy’s campaign here.

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