Be sure to check out this editorial from the New York Sun. The editorial takes New York Times columnist Frank Rich to task for playing fast and loose with the truth -- a not uncommon malady on the Times editorial pages.
Be sure to check out this editorial from the New York Sun. The editorial takes New York Times columnist Frank Rich to task for playing fast and loose with the truth -- a not uncommon malady on the Times editorial pages.
Over at the Logic Times they have an analysis of the infamous Iraq Body Count numbers in light of the demographics of Iraq. Cutting to the chase -- the analysis shows that only approximately 948 civilians have been killed by coalition troops since the end of major combat operations -- not the 100,000 number promoted […]
You've got one from columnist Charles Krauthammer, and another from law professor David Luban. Luban's is little more than a treatise against the U.S. government using any sort of physical, emotional or mental distress against terrorists plotting to attack the U.S. Krauthammer, on the other hand, does an excellent job of laying out all of […]
Answer: Democrats. For the past several weeks the Democrats in Congress have been peddling the "Bush lied, people died" slander and calling for the immediate (and irresponsible) pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq. The other day, Vietnam War vet and Democrat congressman John Murtha called for the "immediate" pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq. Murtha […]
Over at, Stefan Sharkansky has some interesting photos on how voter intent is divined in Democrat-controlled King County, Washington. If you were still wondering why Republicans were concerned about a lack of consistent rules in determining voter intent during the 2000 Florida recount, then what King County is doing -- in a situation where […]
Drudge is reporting that DNC Chairman Howard Dean refused to appear alongside his RNC counterpart Ken Mehlman on this morning's "Meet the Press" on NBC. As Drudge points out, such heads-up interviews have been common in the past, with Dean's predecessor doing it five times -- just on "Meet the Press"! Which brings up the […]
Whenever it's suggested that something one of our liberal elected officials says or does would hurt the troops overseas or America as a nation -- their patriotism is being questioned. They immediately get indignant, then outraged. This happened repeatedly during the 2004 presidential campaign, and continues today. Earlier today, when the House GOP imploded on […]
One thing is obvious: Gov. Schwarzenegger doesn't have the pull he used to have. The Governator's reform agenda -- embodied in Propositions 74-77 -- all went down in flames. In fact, every proposition in the state failed. The one with the closest margin of any issue on the ballot was the parental notification (not consent) […]
Tomorrow is election day here in California, and if you've already turned in your ballot by absentee you can go ahead and vote again -- especially if you happen to live in King County, Wash. On a more serious note: Voting is a test. If your answers don't match mine then you're wrong -- that's […]
I must confess that I'm a little bit mystified why Democrats are so concerned about who President Bush's political staff are. New York Sen. Chuck Schumer was on "Fox News Sunday" this morning urging the president to fire Karl Rove and others so that he could "move forward." This is a new side to Chuck […]