April 14, 2004
I'm available

Miss USA, Shandi Finnessey, is a "totally single and looking" Republican, by an odd coincidence, so am I! A Republican, she told Reuters she would use her position to help explain America's involvement in Iraq. "What needed to be done had to be done," she said. So, Shandi and I will be hooking up as […]

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April 5, 2004
Any mistakes here...

...are usually typos. Why? Because I have proven once again that I'm a wise and learned blogger. You are a GRAMMAR GOD! If your mission in life is not already to preserve the English tongue, it should be. Congratulations and thank you! How grammatically sound are you? brought to you by Quizilla

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February 17, 2004
An honor for Hoystory

I don't know how it happened, but Hoystory comes in this week at No. 7 on the BloggerForum Top 10 Blogspot sites of the week. An explanation of the criterion for winning is located here. I read that and it's still as clear as mud exactly how you get into the Top 10. Anyway, I'd […]

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February 16, 2004
Monthly banging of the tip jar

It's Presidents' Day and if you appreciate Hoystory and wish to send a few presidents my way, there's Amazon and Paypal links on the left. I'd also like to mention the Google ads, which are great for transferring funds from various Democrat campaigns to Hoystory. If you see a Howard Dean or John Kerry ad, […]

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February 14, 2004
Five stars

From a reader in San Diego, Calif.: Hoystory is the best blog in the history of the Internet, nay the World. Never before has their been a Web site with such depth and breadth. Hoystory stands as a colossus astride the blogosphere, blotting out the inconsequential and overrated -- such as Instapundit, Altercation, Kausfiles and […]

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February 4, 2004
A request

Readers of Hoystory are intelligent, learned and possess an impressive vocabulary. It is unnecessary, and reflects badly on your host, to use crude, unimaginative vulgarities here. These words are more at home on MTV (or most liberal blogs) than in the comments section of this fine blog.

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January 19, 2004
Big Monday

It's been a busy morning/afternoon for me, and I've got to do some housecleaning on this Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Tonight we've got the Iowa caucuses, which I'll write some observations on once the numbers start coming in. I'll also be doing a quick couple of book reviews and a movie review. I spent […]

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January 13, 2004
Trivial Pursuit

My Christmas gift from my sister and brother-in-law was the DVD Pop Culture edition of Trivial Pursuit. We played it the other night and, unsurprisingly, I won. The thing that troubled me was the fact that both my parents and my sister and brother-in-law were dismayed by the fact that I knew the name of […]

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January 13, 2004
One day and done

After sitting in Dept. 31 of the Superior Court in Vista, Calif., for eight hours I was unceremoniously dismissed from jury duty without answering a single question during voir dire. They rounded up 60 of us for a civil case that was anticipated to last about a month. The case involved, as far as the […]

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January 12, 2004
Doing my duty

Blogging will likely be limited Tuesday as I report at 8 a.m. (also known as "way too early") for jury duty. I will not be using these excuses, but I present to you two surefire statements that will get you tossed off any potential jury. For a criminal trial: "The police wouldn't have arrested him […]

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