November 4, 2006
Legal advice

It's not often that I do a "bleg" (blog+beg), but I'd appreciate it if someone knows a good lawyer in the field of copyright in the San Diego area. I may write about this later, but right now I have an issue with an image copyright I own that has been infringed upon. If you […]

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October 31, 2006
Busy times

You'll have to forgive me for the less-than-typical number of postings. I've had to work some long days, split days off and I've just been tired lately. I am going to get back to addressing why I think Andrew Sullivan's "conservatism" is a "conservatism" embraced largely only by himself (and not really conservative at all) […]

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August 7, 2006
Blogging resumes

I'd apologize for the lack of blogging over the past few days, but you get what you pay for. I've been feeling seriously miserable with some sort of bug -- stomach cramps, fever, nausea -- and I blame global warming ... or Mexican food.

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July 16, 2006
Grand return

We here at Hoystory would like welcome the World's Greatest Niece back to California to stay! We'd also like to note that if Uncle Matt had been in charge, you would've been allowed to stay up to watch the rest of Cinderella.

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July 14, 2006
Pretty, ugly people

Quite a few years back, Sports Illustrated had a decent-sized article on tennis semi-phenom (she still hasn't won a tournament) Anna Kournikova. Anna Kournikova is very pretty. After reading the article, it was also apparent that when it came to being a human being, she was also quite ugly. Along those same lines, we bring […]

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July 12, 2006
Video cards

Well, my computer's video card, a Radeon X700, started misbehaving a few weeks back, and it got worse Monday night, so yesterday I stopped by Circuit City on my way to work and picked up a new card. I popped the old card out, popped the new card in, and then had to reboot the […]

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July 3, 2006
34th annual banging of the tip jar

That's right, it's the 34th annual banging of the tip jar. Tommorrow's the 4th of July, but today is the 3rd of July -- aka my birthday. If you feel so inclined, drop a nice birthday wish in the comments. Or, you could head over to and buy me a gift of some sort. […]

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June 18, 2006
Happy Fathers Day

I spent the afternoon with the family and treated everyone to a lunch at the Prado in Balboa Park. The meal was excellent and was definitely a step above the typical fare that the Hoy clan consumes. After returning to my parents' casa, we watched the local news, which reminded me of why I never […]

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June 11, 2006
The methamphetamine menace

I'm sick as a dog and I made a run out to the drug store to get my favorite cold-medicine drug: Aleve Cold & Sinus. Problem. It contains pseudoephedrine. Pseudoephedrine is used to make methamphetamines. Apparently there's a relatively new federal law which turns these over-the-counter drugs into pharmacy-technician-has-to-hand-them-to-you drugs. The first drugstore I hit […]

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June 7, 2006
Comment spam

It didn't take long for the comment spammers to find the new Hoystory web site. I'm using a spam blocker, so you don't see it, but I also discovered that it's marking some things as spam that aren't. If your comment doesn't show up almost immediately, feel free to drop me a quick note at […]

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