May 9, 2015
Which economic policies help the lower class?

A former colleague of mine shared this Washington Post Wonkblog article on Facebook. Most of the article is unobjectionable. However, the part that is objectionable is very objectionable. The head and subhead: How growing up poor changes politicians Democrats from humble backgrounds more often vote for economic policies that help the lower class. For Republicans, upbringing doesn't matter. […]

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May 8, 2015
U-T San Diego Sold

NiemanLab has an article out on then-rumored (but now confirmed and  imminent) sale of my former employer, the U-T San Diego (formerly the San Diego Union-Tribune) to Tribune Publishing, the owner of the Los Angeles Times, among other papers. The majority of the article is your standard inside-baseball media story, but every time something like this happens you feel […]

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April 29, 2015
Hackety Hack Hack

Let me start of by saying that I don't think there's a single person who gave money to the Clinton Foundation who saw the organization as a charity. No one gives money to the Clintons thinking it's charity, at least, not primarily. It's pay-to-play. It's the same reason NBC gave Chelsea Clinton a $600,000 job […]

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February 25, 2015
Journalism 101

I've said before that the longer I've been out of newspapers and the news business, the more disdain and outright hostility I feel for too many of those who remain in it. It's not petty jealousy. It's the fact that when all I see is the crap they produce and don't deal with them as people […]

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January 29, 2015
This week in George Orwell

I saw this last night on "Special Report" with Bret Baier on Fox News. It features ABC's White House correspondent Jonathan Karl, but ABC didn't find it newsworthy enough to broadcast. The White House has taken the position that Jordan should not do a deal with ISIS where they trade a convicted bomber participated in […]

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January 26, 2015
Snowmaggedon 2015! Everybody panic!

I realize that many will believe my casual dismissal of the big storm hitting the East Coast is a result of today's the temperature here locally on the Central Coast of California where it reached a balmy 75 degrees today. However, I want to assure our New England readers that I feel your pain. It's […]

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January 7, 2015
Most American journalists are cowards

With the notable exception of the small class of American war correspondents, the vast majority of American journalists are, to use the Texas phrase: "All hat and no cattle." The assassination this morning of ten satirists at the French magazine Charlie Hebdo along with two police officers by adherents of the "Religion of Pieces" has once […]

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December 6, 2014
What good journalism doesn't look like

Many years ago when I was a copy editor/page designer at the North County Times we had a reporter that had gotten an interview that everyone on the San Diego area news media was angling for. A local man had gotten into a serious car accident across the border in Mexico and, because he didn't have […]

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December 4, 2014
Hacks all the way down

The Washington Post decided to triple-down on its war on women by naming former GOP staffer and nobody Elizabeth Lauten as having the "Worst Week in Washington." When I saw this on Twitter, I had a rather succinct response, that ended up leading the "Media" category on Twitchy for most of the afternoon. I'll tell you […]

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December 4, 2014
The death of the 'objective' journalist

Once upon a time, in journalism schools across the country, lip service was paid to the notion that it was a reporter's job to report the news without fear or favor and to hold those in power accountable for their actions. They're not even trying anymore. If you watched the Big 3 networks morning and […]

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