February 9, 2003
Sometimes you just want to shake your head

Sen. Carl Levin was on Fox News Sunday earlier today, and I'm watching the recording of it. Let me say that I think Sen. Levin is a very limber man. The mental contortions that he's having to go through to oppose military action in Iraq while acknowledging that government's violation of U.N. Security Council Resolution […]

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February 6, 2003
Mandela again

Former South African president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nelson "can't think properly" Mandela has done it again. Like a 5-year-old child who sticks his fingers in his ears and says: "Naaaaa Naaaaaa Naaaa, I'm not listening to you," Mandela doesn't want to hear what the United States wants to say. Speaking before Powell's speech […]

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February 2, 2003
God's vengence?

Well, it's not being portrayed as a Zionist plot -- yet -- but Iraqis see yesterday's destruction of the space shuttle Columbia as the act of a vengeful God. "We are happy that it broke up," government employee Abdul Jabbar al-Quraishi said. "God wants to show that his might is greater than the Americans. They […]

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January 30, 2003
A crack user?

A friend suggested to me that former South African President Nelson Mandela has been smoking crack? Why? Apparently my friend saw some recent quotes from an address to the International Women's Forum. Mandela suggested that freeing the people of Iraq from a similar oppression that blacks in an apartheid-ruled South Africa faced is tantamount to […]

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January 28, 2003
It is better to be thought a fool...

...than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. Actress Susan Sarandon has a commercial out opposing the war with Iraq. Now, there are some reasonable and principled arguments to oppose a war, but it wasn't too long ago that liberals disliked tyrants. Certainly Slobodan Milosevic and his attempted ethnic-cleansing of Muslims in Albania qualified. […]

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January 12, 2003
From Muslim to Christian

There's an interesting first person article in The Times (U.K.) that is definitely worth a read. The piece is written by Ahmer Khokhar, a son of a Pakistani immigrant to Great Britain. While the piece is a good read, and I feel for what this man has had to go through, when it comes to […]

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December 16, 2002
Tips for visitors to Iraq

The Happy Fun Pundit has a list of do's, don'ts and questions to ask. They pick on Sean Penn, but Nicholas Kristof could've used a few of them when he visited earlier this year. A sampling: When they offer to take you to the children's hospital, refuse. They always take you to a children's hospital. […]

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December 8, 2002
We don't want to do anything about it, we just want to complain

That's the word from Amnesty International after Great Britain, late last week, released a dossier detailing (with substantial contribution from human rights groups like Amnesty International), human rights abuses under Saddam's regime. (Amnesty International's) secretary general, Irene Khan, wrote recently that "this selective attention to human rights is nothing but a cold and calculated manipulation […]

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December 8, 2002
Idiots of the week

Irene Vandas and Jennifer Ziemann of Vancouver, B.C. Opposition to a war on Iraq has a long way to go before it rivals the draft-card burnings and demonstrations against the war in Vietnam in the 1960s, but a new anti-war movement is growing muscle. Some Canadians already have left for Iraq to serve as human […]

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December 4, 2002
Our friends the Saudis

The World-Tribune is reporting that the Saudis are trying to rally other Arab states against the possibility of creating a democratic government in a post-Saddam Iraq. Saudi Arabia is working to form an Arab coalition to oppose any U.S. drive to impose democracy on the Middle East. Arab diplomatic sources said the kingdom has been […]

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