July 14, 2016
Anti-gun nuts

Tonight's horrible terrorist attack in Nice, France, and last week's murder of 5 Dallas cops by a black racist ties together some common themes that we've heard in the media in recent weeks from anti-gun nuts. First, no one who supports the Second Amendment right to bear arms sees it as a panacea. Having an armed citizenry […]

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June 16, 2016
Journalism vs. Stenography

An article published yesterday by Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting is a textbook case of the differences between journalism vs. stenography. I discovered the article because one of the people I follow on Twitter is Andrew Donohue who used to run an alternative media website in San Diego called "Voice of San Diego."  Donohue is […]

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June 14, 2016
Discrimination and the Orlando Shooting

My most recent column in the San Luis Obispo Tribune is about Cal Poly student Mick Bruckner's Title IX complaint against instructor Michael Winn. In short, Bruckner, a homosexual, has alleged that Winn discriminated against him for little more than voicing orthodox Christian beliefs about homosexuality in a private discussion. A couple of notes on the timeline. […]

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May 20, 2016
War on the 2nd Amendment

While guns sales have soared over the past two decades, violent crime has gone down. Not that most Americans know that, or are being told that by Democrats who reflexively talk about a "gun violence epidemic" that isn't actually happening. This is their War on the 2nd Amendment. While much of the country has come […]

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May 2, 2016
Political virtue-signaling

On Sunday, the San Luis Obispo Tribune published my latest column on the Democrats vying to replace retiring Rep. Lois Capps (D-Santa Barbara) this fall. In the proposed headline and text of the originally submitted column, I used the phrase "political virtue-signaling." My use doesn't quite match the urban dictionary definition, instead I would define it […]

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March 7, 2016
Sacramento goes on an anti-gun crusade

In case you missed it, my weekend column in the San Luis Obispo Tribune is available here. The column focuses on many of the new anti-gun laws currently making their way through the California legislature and notes one thing they have in common: none of them would've stopped last year's terrorist attack in San Bernardino. I […]

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February 25, 2016
The Gun Laws We Have

Yesterday, former Democratic state Sen. Leland Yee was sentenced to five years in prison on public corruption charges. (Media bias note: The Associated Press story does not identify Yee as a Democrat.) Yee made a name for himself as a legislator in a couple of ways. Video gaming sites noted that the legislator gained some notoriety […]

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February 9, 2016
War on guns

Despite a decidedly pro-2nd Amendment trend in state legislatures across the country, California continues its war on guns without respite. San Francisco today passed yet another law requiring people to secure firearms left in vehicles in that city that is home to not a single gun store. The law was prompted by the murder of […]

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February 3, 2016
Smug liberals

Smug liberals like Piers Morgan and Joe Tarica are easily impressed by their own wit.

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December 3, 2015
America's Dumbest Senator

California Sen. Barbara Boxer is retiring next year. It's likely that whoever replaces her will take up her mantle as America's Dumbest Senator, because that's how we in California do it when voting for Democrats. Today, in a Capitol Hill press conference where Democrats touted their plans for solutions to Islamic jihadi radicals shooting up […]

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