February 22, 2003
Beware the Jacquesbot!

Mark Steyn is hilarious.

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February 7, 2003
McCain's good for a laugh

A Washington Post report on the Washington Press Club Foundation dinner quoted the following remarks from Sen. John McCain. McCain, Republican maverick, former POW and Vietnam War hero, cracked in his speech that if "Washington is a Hollywood for ugly people," then, considering the remarks coming out of Tinseltown about Iraq, "Hollywood is a Washington […]

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February 6, 2003
Creative funding sources

A friend e-mailed me this photo earlier today. Democrats have been complaining that funding for a war in Iraq was not in President Bush's proposed budget. This could be the reason why: Sponsorships!

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January 28, 2003
France and the Web

Sometimes it's just fun to mock France -- a country whose leadership is convinced that it is the best thing that's happened to the modern world. It's not real -- but it certainly is funny. (Image via National Review Online.)

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January 6, 2003
A dearth of posting

Sorry about the lack of insightful commentary/posting that you've all come to expect, but I've been battling a particularly vicious variety of the cold bug the past week or so. But, to tide you over with a little humor, I was looking at this page at Amazon.com when I scrolled down to find the following: […]

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December 16, 2002
Tips for visitors to Iraq

The Happy Fun Pundit has a list of do's, don'ts and questions to ask. They pick on Sean Penn, but Nicholas Kristof could've used a few of them when he visited earlier this year. A sampling: When they offer to take you to the children's hospital, refuse. They always take you to a children's hospital. […]

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December 15, 2002
A gem from National Review ODT

(That's On Dead Tree for the acronym-challenged). How many times during the midterm campaign did Democrats say that a vote for Republicans was a vote to abolish Social Security, ban abortion, gut environmental laws, and put right-wing extremists on the bench? The people voted. Let the fun begin! Which brings me another opportunity to point […]

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November 21, 2002
What would I drive?

Basically whatever I can afford, which happens to be a Chevy Cavalier. You've got some people who are going around with an anti-SUV campaign asking the question: What Would Jesus Drive? Isn't that clever? I didn't think so either. But over at one of my favorite sites, Little Green Footballs, someone asked the question: What […]

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November 20, 2002
Today's quote of the day

"I hate Santa Ana winds. They suck!" -- San Diego Union-Tribune Page Designer Karla Brown-Garcia. It seemed funny at the time.

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November 8, 2002
This is funny

The latest Toles cartoon is a hoot.

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