August 15, 2018
Cakes, Guns, and willful animus

If I asked a liberal Colorado baker to make a pro-Second Amendment cake in the shape of a gun, could they refuse my business based upon their conscience? I bring this up not because it's happened, but because what's happened this week in Colorado brings to mind a lot of what is happening in our […]

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August 3, 2018
Free speech and anti-gun hysteria

This has been a banner week for attacks on free speech and general anti-gun hysteria from the usual corners. Open carry coming soon I spent an hour Monday talking with Dave Congalton about a recent decision from a 3-judge panel of the 9th Circuit that found a right for law-abiding citizens to openly carry a […]

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March 19, 2017
More speech, not less

The political left's catch-all solution for speech they don't like is to propose a new law, regulation or two-minutes of hate targeted to silence the offender. For conservatives and old-school, small "l" liberals, the answer to "bad" speech is more speech, not less. Enter California Assemblyman Ed Chau, a Democrat (obviously), has introduced Assembly Bill […]

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March 6, 2017
Shut up, they said

Two events this past week illustrate exactly how illiberal and totalitarian the political left in this country has become in the months since it became clear they hold exactly zero levers of power in Washington, D.C., with the election of President Donald Trump. They don't want to hear what the right has to say, they […]

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February 5, 2017
A tale of two marches

My column this week is about a tale of two marches. I make what I believe to be the rather obvious case that the people who attended the Women's March here in San Luis Obispo two weeks ago are the same people (though in much smaller numbers) that showed up this past Tuesday in an attempt to […]

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December 19, 2016
Milo Yiannopoulos and Free Speech

This week's column in the San Luis Obispo Tribune is on alt-right bomb-thrower Milo Yiannopoulos' upcoming visit to Cal Poly and calls to disinvite him or turn his speech into some sort of panel discussion. For the latter, I'm not sure if the people pushing for this have actually watched video of any of Yiannopoulos' appearances—even […]

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January 12, 2016
Bam! You're stupid!

Proving once again that stupid knows no political party, comes this proposed law from Kentucky. Bystanders who post pictures on social media from the scene of a wreck could face fines under a proposal before the Kentucky General Assembly. A bill assigned to the House Judiciary Committee would prohibit anyone who witnesses “an event that […]

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June 1, 2015
Censors on the left

I can remember the days when liberals were strongly in favor of free speech. They would quote with pride the line attributed to Voltaire (but really made by English writer Beatrice Evelyn Hall) "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Instead, […]

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May 18, 2015
Dissent will not be allowed

There's a lot of Hillary Clinton corruption stories out today. Perhaps the biggest one is today's revelation that longtime Clinton confidante and hatchet man Sidney Blumenthal, banned from serving in government by President Obama, instead advised then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on foreign policy while on the payroll of the Clinton Family Foundation Slush […]

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January 7, 2015
Most American journalists are cowards

With the notable exception of the small class of American war correspondents, the vast majority of American journalists are, to use the Texas phrase: "All hat and no cattle." The assassination this morning of ten satirists at the French magazine Charlie Hebdo along with two police officers by adherents of the "Religion of Pieces" has once […]

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