March 19, 2004
Isn't it a little late for this?

According to a blurb on the Drudge Report Sen. John Kerry doesn't want foreign leaders to endorse him. KERRY: NO FOREIGN ENDORSEMENTS, PLEASE... Kerry Foreign Policy Advisor Rand Beers issued the following statement today: '...It is simply not appropriate for any foreign leader to endorse a candidate in America's presidential election. John Kerry does not […]

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March 12, 2004
Should know better

Tech Central Station's James Glassman has an excellent article on Benedict Arnold politicians who attempt to hurt the U.S. economy for short-term political gain. Democrat Presidential hopeful John "Flipper" Kerry, who was forced to co-opt every single one of his opponents' positions because he had none of his own, has been promising to "review" all […]

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February 20, 2004
Iraq war fallout

Pardon the pun, but Libya's WMD program was able to make some plutonium for a nuclear weapon. Libya has agreed to international inspections and to give up its WMD programs because our diplomats asked them nicely the swift and brutal manner in which Saddam Hussein's regime was taken care of scared Libya's leader Moammar Qaddafi.

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February 15, 2004
Krauthammer at the AEI

Columnist Charles Krauthammer gave the annual Irving Kristol lecture last week at the American Enterprise Institute. You can find the text of his talk here. It's long, but I can't emphasize enough how worthwhile it is for every American in this post-9/11 world. Krauthammer divides foreign policy into four major schools of thought and the […]

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February 11, 2004
Multilateralism or unilateralism?

A New York Times editorial today on the deteriorating situation in Haiti and calls on the United States to get involved -- without U.N. approval. Essay Questions: 1. Detail the differences between Iraq's and Haiti's "democratically elected" presidents and the treatment of their people. 2. Compare and contrast Haiti and Iraq's roles in the war […]

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January 25, 2004
"Legitimate coalition"

Sen. John Kerry again repeated his mantra that the United States went to war in Iraq with an "illegitimate coalition." Kerry has also used the term "fraudulent" to describe the 34 nations that have sent troops to Iraq, including Great Britain, Australia and Poland. Someone, anyone, please get Kerry on the record of what impact […]

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January 21, 2004
More evidence the ICC was a bad idea

The Bush administration has been consistently attacked by Democrats, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other internationalists for shunning the International Criminal Court. The administration's fear was that American troops could be arrested and held on politically motivated charges. Well, it once again appears that Bush was right. British use of cluster bombs in the Iraq war […]

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January 15, 2004
Poor nations' most valuable resource

Yesterday's Nicholas Kristof column is a must-read for the anti-globalization, anti-trade, left-wing fringe. I've written before that cheap labor is the most valuable resource of many poor nations, and Kristof vividly illustrates this point. Cambodia has a fair trade system and promotes itself as an enlightened garment producer. That's great. But if the U.S. tries […]

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January 8, 2004
Questioning your opponent's patriotism

Anytime any Republican questions the wisdom of a Democrat's foreign policy pronouncements, such criticism is in turn attacked as questioning the Democrat's patriotism. Unfortunately for the Democrats, Republicans "question" their patriotism much less than Democrats attack Republicans' patriotism. For example: Sen. Ted Kennedy said that the Iraq War was "cooked-up" in Texas to help President […]

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December 30, 2003
Good read

Check out today's Wall Street Journal piece on the mixed news coming out of Saudi Arabia and how it treats kidnapped Americans.

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