December 18, 2008
Reality beckons

Buried on page A32 of today's New York Times (according to Tom Maguire) is word that the generals President Bush put in charge of winning the war in Iraq won't be taking Barack Obama's 16-month withdrawal timetable as gospel -- and Obama's apparently OK with that. A new military plan for troop withdrawals from Iraq […]

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December 17, 2008
If you don't have anything nice to say...

The Washington Post would rather you not say anything at all. Some advertising types at the Post came up with a good idea for making the paper some money -- something I enthusiastically approve of -- sell classified ads in a special Jan. 20 Inauguration Day issue of the paper. For $5 a line with […]

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December 17, 2008
Obama's education pick

It is really no surprise that President-elect Barack Obama would pick the schools chief from his hometown, Arne Davis, to be education secretary in his administration. Obama would've certainly come to know Davis during his time heading the failed Chicago Annenberg Challenge -- a fact that seems absent from most of today's news reporting. (You […]

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December 15, 2008
"No inappropriate discussions"

Sen. Barack Obama's denial last week that neither he nor his campaign had had any discussions with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has changed. Reminiscent of Al Gore's "no controlling legal authority" line comes word that Obama's campaign did talk with Balgojevich, but there were "no inappropriate discussions." The exact nature of the discussions will have […]

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December 14, 2008
Check the databases

In a report out today, the Associated Press makes an assertion. President-elect Barack Obama, relatively young and inexperienced, is facing a rapidly growing list of monumental challenges as he prepares to take the reins of a nation in turmoil. I'd really appreciate it if someone with access to the Lexis/Nexis database would do a search […]

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December 10, 2008
Who's more corrupt?

If perception is reality, then Republicans have a lot of work to do to to overcome the belief that they are more corrupt than their Democratic counterparts. Case in point is this bit from CNN's Wolf Blitzer: WOLF BLITZER: You know, most of the scandals -- most of the political scandals, Karen, in recent years, […]

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December 10, 2008
It's like a Raiders fan joke

As a (disappointed) San Diego Chargers fan, I often joke that a prerequisite for being a Raiders fan is a felony conviction -- or at least an arrest. (See second item here.) It appears that being governor of Illinois requires a similar criminal inclination. Gov. Rod Blagojevich's arrest yesterday is really only surprising because of […]

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December 6, 2008
Good job Louisiana voters

Rep. William "Cold Cash" Jefferson has been defeated in his re-election bid. The voters of Louisiana did what Jefferson's allies in the House would not -- police their own. Congratulations are also in order to Anh "Joseph" Cao who defeated Jefferson. Cao becomes the first Vietnamese-American elected to Congress.

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December 4, 2008
Greg Mitchell's numbers

Poking around Editor & Publisher for the previous post, I came across editor Greg Mitchell's latest column defending the early media narrative that Barack Obama was breaking new ground. The Campaign Finance Institute (CFI) study asserting that Barack Obama actually raised most of his campaign money from "larger" not "small" donors has gained wide, often […]

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December 2, 2008
One too many roundhouses to the noggin'

The Capitol Visitors Center opened this morning -- late and over budget. Senate majority leader Harry Reid had the following to say: The Capitol Visitors Center, which opened this morning, may have tripled its original budget and fallen years behind schedule, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid found a silver lining for members of Congress: […]

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