April 19, 2009
You bought it, you own it

President Barack Obama's worldwide apology tour is getting old -- and it's barely even started. It's one thing to strike a tone and take positions different from a previous administration, especially one of a different party. But Obama has gone around the world apologizing for every real and perceived slight this nation has ever visited […]

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April 16, 2009
Return of the railroads?

President Barack Obama announced plans yesterday to spend way too much money on a high-speed rail system. Apparently he's enthused because Amtrak has done so well. But the one part that really got me was this one: "Imagine boarding a train in the center of a city -- no racing to an airport and across […]

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April 16, 2009
Government as the source for good works

Vice President Joe Biden has famously said that paying taxes is patriotic. Yesterday was tax day and Biden went out of his way to make sure that he maximized his "patriotism" by minimizing his charity. The White House on Wednesday also released the tax return for Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his wife, […]

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April 16, 2009
Science first? Hardly

While campaigning Barack Obama vowed that he wouldn't subordinate science to politics like President George W. Bush had. He was lying. Barack Obama too ignores the science when it conflicts with his policy goals, as David Freddoso has noted: But before this ceremony even took place, Obama’s administration had already begun cutting corners on its […]

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April 15, 2009
Because I can't make this up

The excreble Al Sharpton on Somali pirates:     Voluntary Coast Guard? And the Democrats take this man seriously.

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April 14, 2009
Who does the government fear?

UPDATE! This post has been updated Many of you will recall the report put out a few years ago by the Bush administration's Department of Homeland Security warning of the rise of left-wing extremism. The report singled out universities for their subversive "peace studies" programs (and the affiliated gender/minority "studies" programs) and groups like Code […]

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April 13, 2009
Watching the referees

Earlier this month President Barack Obama signed a law raising the cigarette tax 62 cents a pack, bringing the total federal tax to $1.01. The additional income (assuming that the increased costs don't result in decreased consumption and less net income) will be used to fund the State Children's Health Insurance Program for the poor, […]

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April 11, 2009
If there's a carbon crisis, act like it

President Barack Obama is pushing a cap-and-trade program that has the ultimate goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the name of halting global warming. It accomplishes this by artificially raising prices of carbon-based fuels -- coal, natural gas, gasoline -- in order to discourage their use. It's called cap-and-trade, but it's really a big […]

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April 10, 2009
Well, it's worked before

Pastor Rick Warren, author of the bestselling book "The Purpose-Driven Life," was on Hugh Hewitt's radio show earlier this week. Warren talked about a variety of things, but one issue that was just mentioned in passing jumped out at me. HH: Rick Warren, to wrap this one up before we talk about the church in […]

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April 9, 2009

Earlier this year, tucked in the massive stimulus bill, was a sop to the teachers union in Washington, D.C. The bill effectively killed the D.C. opportunity scholarships that gave a few lucky poor children an out from D.C.'s atrocious public school system. I'm not a proponent of taxpayer-funded vouchers for kids generally. I think the […]

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