December 30, 2002
"Chicken Hawks," the sequel

Tuesday's New York Times op-ed page has a piece by Congressman Charles Rangel advocating a return of the draft. If you remember a few months back, some anti-war protesters were attacking "chicken hawks," identified as pro-war-on-Iraq Republicans (mainly) who had never served in the military in a combat situation (i.e. you must have been shot […]

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December 27, 2002
The latest talking points and the truth

On Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor," last night, with Cal Thomas sitting in for Bill, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) outlined the Democratic strategy for attacking the Bush administration's handling of the War on Terror: They got the Patriot Act. I voted for it. It's going to lapse in 18 months. And some say: "Have we […]

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December 18, 2002
Bill Clinton go away

That paragon of morality, impeached former-president Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton accuses Republicans who criticize Sen. Trent Lott of being hypocritical. "How do they think they got a majority in the South anyway?" Clinton told CNN outside a business luncheon he was attending. "I think what they are really upset about is that he made public […]

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December 15, 2002
A gem from National Review ODT

(That's On Dead Tree for the acronym-challenged). How many times during the midterm campaign did Democrats say that a vote for Republicans was a vote to abolish Social Security, ban abortion, gut environmental laws, and put right-wing extremists on the bench? The people voted. Let the fun begin! Which brings me another opportunity to point […]

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December 14, 2002
Mark Steyn is a genius

You can read his latest here, at It's about doomed Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. In his summary of Kerry's faults, (the fact that he's a Massachusetts liberal is at the top) Steyn points out that Kerry is opposed to the death penalty. Steyn points out the twisted logic Kerry displayed on a recent […]

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December 13, 2002
The other face

The Democratic Party has long proclaimed itself the friend of the "average American," taking the side of the "people against the powerful." But, that's the face they show the public, with the connivance of the national media -- The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN. The hidden face, is […]

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December 10, 2002
I watched Al Gore on ABC's "This Week"...

And I'm becoming convinced that he will find it very difficult to win the Democratic nomination, let alone the presidency, should he choose to run for President again. He still came across as arrogant and professorial -- something that hurt him in the debates and the last election. George Stephanopoulos did an solid job questioning […]

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December 3, 2002
Having it both ways

Sen. John Kerry (Super-D - Mass.) kicks off his campaign for his party's 2004 presidential nomination by taking aim at the Bush tax cut. "The largest cost of the Bush tax giveaway will not be borne by any of us here today -- it will be paid for by our children. We're borrowing from Social […]

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December 2, 2002
And this guy was Clinton's economic adviser?

Gene Sperling had on op-ed piece in Sunday's Washington Post offering an alternative to the Bush Tax cut that Democrats would probably be well-advised to adopt. Democrats taking any position is a good thing in a democracy. But I do have to take issue with one of Sperling's statements as either: A) a scare the […]

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November 21, 2002
Justice? The Times doesn't know what it is

An editorial in today's New York Times calls on Illinois Gov. George Ryan to commute the sentences of everyone on death row to life in prison (apparently with the possibility of parole). [G]ov. George Ryan of Illinois, whose state has a bad record of sentencing innocent people to death, declared a moratorium on executions a […]

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