There's a suspected mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif. We don't know squat about what's happened. That hasn't stopped the usual suspects from jumping to their preferred narrative and lying.
Case in point, radio talk show hack Alan Colmes.
Planned Parenthood Clinic Across Street From San Bernardino Shooting #p2
— Alan Colmes (@AlanColmes) December 2, 2015
Here's a screenshot if Colmes memory-holes his laziness and stupidity.
Here's a map showing the site of the shooting and the location of the local Planned Parenthood. The Planned Parenthood isn't across the street. It's 1.3 miles away. A 6 minute drive. A 25 minute walk. Sean Davis had some appropriate snark.
A Presbyterian church is about 0.3 miles from site of shooting. No reporters, however, are reporting that at all.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) December 2, 2015
It's too early. We don't know squat, but the usual suspects must maintain the narrative.