A mentally deranged young man (who will receive no notoriety by having his name mentioned here) went into Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church Wednesday night and shot an killed 9 people.
This prompted the usual calls from the usual callers for more "common sense" gun regulations.
I do not know how much longer we can thwart the views of the American public on taking reasonable gun safety measures.
— Senator Harry Reid (@SenatorReid) June 18, 2015
Views that were rejected last time around by a majority of national elected officials and effectively endorsed by another Democratic trouncing in the 2014 midterm elections. Not that we should be taking advice from an alleged pederast. Then there was this from a "senior editor" at Mic.com:
It's harder to get food in this country than it is to get a lethal weapon. — Scott Bixby (@scottbix) June 18, 2015
This was roundly mocked over at Twitchy.com—as it should be—but think about what level of pig-headed ignorance it would take to say something like that?
The truth is that, once again, nothing the gun-control fetishists have offered as "reasonable" gun "safety" regulations would've stopped the tragedy in South Carolina. The shooter violated a whole host of laws already on the books long before pulled out the gun and started shooting (he was under indictment for a felony, so shouldn't have been able to posses the gun in the first place, all churches in South Carolina are gun-free zones, etc.).
Then there's the mainstream media, which has a one-track mind.
Reporter Savannah Guthrie asks South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley if she wants to rethink her support of the 2nd Amendment in light of Wednesday's shooting.
Haley is a politician, and answers with much more tact than I could.
My response would be: "No, the murder of 9 unarmed innocents by a nutjob doesn't make me rethink the Second Amendment any more than stupid questions like that by TV reporters makes me want to rethink the First."