December 14, 2014
Guns are "special"

It's always interesting to see lawyers, judges and gun control advocates lobby for restrictions on gun ownership—a fundamental constitutional right—that they wouldn't tolerate for a moment were it applied to speech. I was pointed (via Twitter) to this article in the Hartford Courant from last week on a hearing before the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals on […]

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December 6, 2014
What good journalism doesn't look like

Many years ago when I was a copy editor/page designer at the North County Times we had a reporter that had gotten an interview that everyone on the San Diego area news media was angling for. A local man had gotten into a serious car accident across the border in Mexico and, because he didn't have […]

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December 4, 2014
Hacks all the way down

The Washington Post decided to triple-down on its war on women by naming former GOP staffer and nobody Elizabeth Lauten as having the "Worst Week in Washington." When I saw this on Twitter, I had a rather succinct response, that ended up leading the "Media" category on Twitchy for most of the afternoon. I'll tell you […]

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December 4, 2014
The death of the 'objective' journalist

Once upon a time, in journalism schools across the country, lip service was paid to the notion that it was a reporter's job to report the news without fear or favor and to hold those in power accountable for their actions. They're not even trying anymore. If you watched the Big 3 networks morning and […]

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December 3, 2014
The University of Virginia rape story

If you're not familiar with the story, I commend to you this article by National Review's Charles C. W. Cooke. If I were teaching a journalism class today (as if any j-school faculty would have someone with my views), we'd spend a week on this story. What you would do as an editor when presented with […]

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November 17, 2014
Hoystory gets published

In the local fishwrap.

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November 7, 2014
Restraining order

So, Tuesday's election was an ass-whupping of historic proportions. Of the "in-play" seats in the U.S. Senate, only New Hampshire's Jeanne Shaheen appears to have survived. In Virginia, former Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie came within a whisker of ousting Sen. John Warner in a race that appeared on absolutely no one's radar. In […]

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November 3, 2014
Bad journalists

The last few days leading up to what is widely expected to be a Democrat massacre in the midterm elections tomorrow has highlighted much of the worst in the mainstream media. The New York Times last week published an article decrying the "Bumpkinification of the Midterm Elections"  because the GOP looks likely to take over control of […]

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October 29, 2014
Sally Kohn, Gay Fascist

Sally Kohn is a lesbian, CNN contributor and has a law degree (allegedly). She's also a militant gay fascist who would like to force Bible-believing Christians out of the public sphere and probably into camps if she had her way. As The Federalist's Robert Tracinski wrote, she's a decidedly illiberal "liberal." What is interesting about Kohn’s […]

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October 28, 2014
Journalistic Malpractice

Too many million Americans still get their news from the Big 3 major network newscasts, and with the midterm elections just one week away those millions have been ill served by those news organizations. Last week a Media Research Center study of the evening newscasts for ABC, CBS and NBC found a precipitous dropoff in […]

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