March 1, 2012
Pain at the pump

Bill Clinton famously felt your pain. Barack Obama, well, you can have a “free” aspirin. In testimony before Congress yesterday, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, who in the past has advocated European gas price levels of $8+ a gallon, confessed that the Obama administration isn’t interested in lowering gas prices. (I paid $4.17 to fill up […]

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March 1, 2012

Andrew Breitbart is dead at 43. The consummate happy warrior, he will be missed. UPDATE The hate and vitriol unleashed by the left today was the worst I've seen since Tony Snow passed away. It's not hard to find; you can search Breitbart's name on Twitter, or drop by Slate or Rolling Stone. Remember what […]

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February 29, 2012
Make it stop

I’ve repeatedly decried the “logic” by which certain Democrat politicians hail unemployment payments as more stimulative than actual jobs. This actually makes that look sensible. Lean forward idiots! Why didn’t I think of that? Let’s just expand the senate by 3 million members and we can bring the unemployment rate below 5 percent. Genius!

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February 21, 2012
Chemical crime

No one ever tried to rob a gas station using incandescent bulbs. He took out the fluorescent bulb, smashed it on the desk and demanded cash, police said. The clerk refused to hand over any money and the would-be robber walked away. No word on whether OSHA was called or how the mercury contamination was […]

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February 20, 2012
Broadcast reporters don’t do corrections

Last week I suggested that both NBC’s David Gregory and CNN’s Candy Crowley correct a blatant lie that Obama chief of staff Jacob Lew made on their respective Sunday shows. Lew knowingly lied when he claimed that it takes 60 votes to pass a budget in the Senate. Both Gregory and Crowley—both longtime Washington correspondents—knew […]

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February 15, 2012
Umm…do you want to reconsider

Obama’s interim OMB director screwed up today. Oops In his defense, he’s technically giving the right answer. It is a penalty, not a tax. Unfortunately for him the law professor in chief has to say it’s a tax in order to pass constitutional muster. In related dishonesty, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius admitted today that she […]

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February 13, 2012
Jack Lew’s Lies

Sunday morning White House chief of staff Jack Lew appeared on all 5 Sunday morning newscasts—ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN—and on two of them he made similar false claims. CNN’s State of the Union: Liar, liar CROWLEY: And I know -- I want to talk about the tax hike in a second, but I want […]

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February 12, 2012
President Obama set to announce bacon compromise

WASHINGTON, D.C. — After an announcement by the White House last week that all American restaurants would have to serve bacon on their burgers as part of First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Healthy Living” Initiative provoked outrage from Muslim and Jewish organizations, President Obama is set to announce a compromise at a White House ceremony Monday […]

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February 9, 2012
What's your religious freedom worth?

According to dumb-as-a-box California Sen. Barbara Boxer and Osama bin Laden is popular because he provides daycare Washington Sen. Patty Murray, your religious freedom is worth something less than $50 a month. Why the Birth-Control Mandate Makes Sense It can cost $600 a year for prescription contraceptives. That’s a lot of money. So, your freedom […]

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February 8, 2012
The problem with Ron Paul

I’ve got friends who think the Texas representative is the bees knees. One posted a link approvingly to this post by what appears to be the pastor of the Grace Family Baptist Church in Houston. While I find commendable some of Paul’s proposed fiscal policies, on foreign policy the man is at his worst. First, […]

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