November 8, 2008
Bye Bye Byrdie

Sen. Robert Byrd will be stepping down as the head of the Senate Appropriations committee. The move came after the Senate agreed to rename the committee: "The Robert C. Byrd Committee for the Promotion of Pork." The committee becomes the 10,000th thing to be named after the senator from West Virginia. Others include: The Robert […]

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November 7, 2008
What about Joe?

I just got done watching President-elect Barack Obama's first press conference. A few interesting questions asked, not asked and not answered: CNN's Candy Crowley asked Obama whether anything he learned in the intelligence briefings he's received as president-elect gave him pause or caused him to reconsider positions he'd taken during the general election. Obama declined […]

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November 5, 2008
The aftermath

Reports like this almost make you feel sorry for Obama supporters.

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November 5, 2008
Congratulations President Obama

We'll set aside politics for a moment to note that this is a truly momentous day. The American people, less than 50 years removed from Jim Crow, have elected a mixed race man President of the United States. Let us hope and pray that that fact is not the sum total of his achievements as […]

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November 4, 2008
Congratulations to our new socialist overlords

It looks like America is going to get the kind of government it deserves. Everyone who voted for Obama because he couldn't possibly be as liberal as his history suggests had better start hoping they were right.

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November 4, 2008
Malice vs. Stupidity

Normally when the news media misses a story and you're presented with the question: "Was it malicious or just stupid?" I tend to side with the "stupid" choice. I've mentioned this before, and former CBS newsman and author Bernie Goldberg agrees, but the liberal bias that comes out of mainstream media newsrooms isn't a conscious […]

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November 3, 2008
Are we about to elect a teenager president?

This isn't one of those wacko conspiracy about Barack Obama's birth certificates. This is about Obama learning to keep his fingers to himself. For those of you who think it's an innocent little gesture, this isn't the first time. What a jerk.

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November 3, 2008
Jeremiah Wright and Trinity United Church of Christ

[Portions of this post were originally part of the social justice post below. During the editing process, I determined that though they were related, this was sufficiently off of my central thesis in that post to deserve its own.] If the Rev. Jeremiah Wright ever makes it into Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, it will undoubtedly be […]

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November 2, 2008
Social justice, Christians and Obama

This is a more appropriate subject for a book-length treatment, and maybe one day I'll get to the point where I've done enough research and devoted enough thought to the issue I'll write about it more in-depth. For now, in the waning days before Tuesday's election, this article will have to do. Let me start […]

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October 31, 2008
The shrinking middle class

I'm not referring to the commonly held notion that the number of people in the so-called middle class is shrinking. Instead, I'm referring to the fact that the definition of people who will be getting a middle class tax cut from an Obama administration is shrinking. Originally Sen. Barack Obama assured the American people that […]

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