March 10, 2008
Let's give them a state!

If you didn't know the context you might think they won a World Cup soccer game. But that's not what they're celebrating with all the cheering, passing out candy and the joyful firing of guns into the air. They're celebrating the murder of eight Jewish seminary students last week. The Palestinians have raised generations in […]

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March 10, 2008
"Neutral judges"

This quasi-judge needs to be removed from the bench: Shawn Sage long dreamed of joining the military, and watching "Full Metal Jacket" last year really sold him on becoming a Marine. But last fall, a Los Angeles Superior Court commissioner dashed the foster teen's hopes of early enlistment for Marine sniper duty, plus a potential […]

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March 7, 2008
You wouldn't like me when I'm angry

There's apparently a big brouhaha over the "famous John McCain temper" that's supposedly made an appearance during some questioning by a New York Times reporter today. If that's the John McCain temper, it's been seriously oversold.

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March 6, 2008
These are the people too dumb to write Dear Abby

From San Antonio, Texas: A woman who called in a bomb threat to an airport in an attempt to break up with her boyfriend was sentenced to two years in prison, the U.S. attorney's office said Wednesday. April Wormly, 36, of Hobbs, N.M., also was ordered to pay $19,761 in restitution for phoning in the […]

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March 5, 2008
Third party hopefuls

Ralph Nader has announced that he's running again, but is he really any match for Cobra Commander? Where's G.I. Joe when you need him?

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March 5, 2008
Super Tuesday II

Most of the results are in for what the media had dubbed "Super Tuesday II" -- and there are few surprises. Sen. John McCain has clinched the GOP nomination. I'll hold my nose and vote for him. Mike Huckabee was hoping for a little bump to put his delegate total above that of Mitt Romney, […]

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March 3, 2008
There's still a bias does some excellent work, but don't be blinded by the "non-partisan" label -- a look at the bios of the group's fact-checkers reveals largely mainstream journalists and academics. There doesn't appear to be the kind of political balance that would work best in producing unbiased fact-checking in white-hot political season. A case in point […]

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March 3, 2008
Terrorist facilitators

Alan Dershowitz, the liberal Harvard Law School professor with whom I agree with only on Israel, had an interesting Op-Ed in Monday's Wall Street Journal that raises some questions about what the new "rules" should be in the war against Islamist terrorists. The traditional sharp distinction between soldiers in uniform and civilians in nonmilitary garb […]

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March 3, 2008
Stealing music

I must be getting old. I was flipping past G4TV's "Attack of the Show" and one of the people they were interviewing, vlogger Brigitte Dale, had this to say on the subject of music piracy had the following to say: There's been music piracy ever since there were CD-burners... And the first thing I thought […]

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March 3, 2008
Jeff Healey, RIP

Canadian blues guitarist Jeff Healey died yesterday.

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