April 8, 2008
Compare and contrast

While going through all of the New York Times coverage of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy, I came across this column by Nicholas Kristof. I encourage you to compare and contrast that column that attempts to put the most benign color (excuse the pun) on Wright's Black Liberation "Theology" to this column that painted evangelicals […]

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April 8, 2008
The news that's not fit to print

I'm working my way, rather quickly, through Bernard Goldberg's "Crazies to the left of me, Wimps to the righ," and came across a section on the New York Times and its refusal to print the infamous Muhammed cartoons. Goldberg describes an editorial that ran in the Times explaining how they chose not to print the […]

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April 7, 2008
Great game

Kansas defeated Memphis earlier this evening, 75-68 in OT. It was a great game, although I had to mute the commentary several times after having to listen to the inanity that was Jim Nantz and Billy Packard. Line of the night: Kansas has experience in OT champioinship games. Their 1957 team played in one. 1957. […]

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April 6, 2008
Where is the line?

The more time passes in this presidential campaign, the clearer it becomes that Sen. Barack Obama is the shallowest, emptiest politician to come down the pike in a long time. A few months back, Sen. John McCain was being introduced at a rally by radio talk show host who said some nasty things about Obama […]

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April 6, 2008
Charlton Heston, RIP

Actor and activist Charlton Heston, who won the Academy Award for his portrayal of Judah Ben-Hur, died yesterday at the age of 83. Going through his biography on IMDB, there was one quote of his that summed up his life: "In the beginning an actor impresses us with his looks, later his voice enchants us. […]

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April 4, 2008
Someone should ask her

Rasmussen Reports has come out with a little statistical thought experiment: What would the Democratic presidential race look like if the Democrats used the GOP's winner-take-all primary system? The answer: Hillary would be in the lead. It would be interesting to hear Sen. Clinton's response if asked her opinion today of the Democrats proportional system […]

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April 3, 2008
Karl Rove in GQ

GQ of all places has an excellent interview with Bush confidante and adviser Karl Rove. I want to highlight two sections. First there's this on Rove's meeting with Barack Obama. Have you gotten to know Hillary or Barack to any degree? Yes, I have. What have been your dealings with them? Well, you know, I […]

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April 3, 2008
Krazy Kansas

Friday's Wall Street Journal editorial page highlights a Kansas problem that we Californians are familiar with. Governor Kathleen Sebelius calls it "a moral obligation," as though she were opposing crimes against humanity. This is a reference to coal companies guilty of nothing more than attempting to provide power to consumers. But their misfortunes include emitting […]

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April 3, 2008
Ted Turner's bison

Media mogul and nutjob Ted Turner has a ranch on which he raises animals which emit a lot of greenhouse gases. However, he does not propose to do away with his herds to save the planet. No, he predicts doom and gloom and humans resorting to cannibalism to survive once the Earth warms. Channeling my […]

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April 2, 2008

The newest Pig Book is out and if you're interested in fiscal responsibility, then it certainly tells you something about the presidential hopefuls. According to the Pig Book ("The Book Washington Does Not Want You to Read"), New York Sen. Hillary Clinton is our new grand national oinker among presidential contenders for most pork barrel […]

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