June 20, 2008

Well, some Obamatons found my earlier post on Sen. Barack Obama's broken promise to accept public financing -- and the spending limits that go with it -- if his major party opponents did the same. The responses range (predictibly) from ad hominem attacks to outright denial that Obama had ever made any such promise that […]

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June 20, 2008
The New York Times bemoans Obama's decision

Today's New York Times editorial bemoans Obama's decision to reject public financing. Curiously, it never mentions his now-broken vow to accept public financing if his GOP opponent did the same. Instead, the Times editorial writers spend their time lauding Obama's ability to raise money and chide Sen. John McCain for being a big meany and […]

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June 19, 2008
Obama rejects public financing

Barack Obama announced earlier today that he will become the first presidential candidate since the current campaign finance system was constructed in the wake of the Watergate scandal to forgo public funding -- and the limitations that go with it -- for the general election campaign. You can watch Obama's explanation here: First, a couple […]

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June 17, 2008
It's good to be the Goreacle

After the Tennesee Center for Policy Research revealed a year ago that Al Gore's home was using energy like Homer Simpson at an all-you-can-eat buffet, Gore "greened" his house by changing light bulbs, installing solar panels, etc. And what was the result? Energy Guzzled by Al Gore’s Home in Past Year Could Power 232 U.S. […]

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June 17, 2008
Associated Press idiocy

The higher-ups at the Associated Press have got to be the biggest much of morons in the world. It's bad enough that they paid and defended a terrorist-sympathizing photographer, but last weekend they were stupid enough to issue a Digital Milennium Copyright Act takedown notice to the Drudge Retort for using bits of some of […]

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June 17, 2008
Oil is not a renewable resource

There are certain scientific discoveries that make fools out of the doomsayers. Decades ago Paul Ehrlich predicted a "population bomb" where the growth of the Earth's human population would become unsustainable and result in the starvation and death of millions. Advances in biotechnology allowed more food than ever to be grown on less land than […]

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June 16, 2008
A second honest liberal

James Kirchick of the New Republic follows the lead of Washington Post editorial page editor Fred Hiatt. This may sound like ancient history, but it matters. After Sept. 11, President Bush did not want to risk allowing Hussein, who had twice invaded neighboring nations, murdered more than 1 million Iraqis and stood in violation of […]

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June 16, 2008

Way back when the solvency of Social Security was more on the front burner of American political discussion, I criticized New York Times columnist Paul Krugman for changing his description of Social Security from one week to the next depending on political expediency. One week Social Security was a welfare program to help the poor, […]

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June 16, 2008
The political spectrum is a circle

Proof that the far left, embodied by historian Howard Zinn, and the far right, embodied by Pat Buchanan, are practically the same. Several months ago, Howard Zinn was on Dennis Prager's radio show and claimed that World War II was unnecessary. Now Buchanan has come out with a book with the same theory, and gets […]

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June 16, 2008
U.S. Open and oil exploration

The dearth of blogging over the past several days are directly attributable to the U.S. Open at Torrey Pines -- which Tiger Woods won in sudden death on the 19th hole of the day today. The San Diego Union-Tribune has been doing special sections for more than a week, and I was designing some of […]

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