July 17, 2008
Do it quick!

Former Vice President Al Gore urged all the little people in America to return to the late 19th century, before the popularization of the automobile, and live in poverty while he jets around the world, worshipped by the his fellow elitists. WASHINGTON – Former Vice President Al Gore called Thursday for a “man on the […]

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July 15, 2008
Continuing to rewrite history

Sen. Barack Obama has done it again. As noted yesterday, in an op-ed in the New York Times, Obama changed his explanation on his opposition to the surge. For the past year and a half, Obama has claimed that the surge wouldn't work, would actually increase violence and would get more Americans killed. Now that […]

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July 14, 2008
Bush lifts executive ban on offshore drilling

President Bush announced today that he is lifting the executive ban on offshore drilling. There is still in place a congressional ban on the practice, so don't expect anything to happen anytime soon. I also want to respond to this inaninty about the 68 million acres of federal land oil companies are already leasing but […]

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July 14, 2008
Barack Obama's Iraq "Plan"

Sen. Barack Obama took to the pages of the New York Times today to outline his plan to "end" the war in Iraq. Of course, there's no "ending" of war -- you either win or you lose. But what's most interesting to me is Obama's attempt to rewrite history -- and will anyone in the […]

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July 13, 2008

Lacking experience, Sen. Barack Obama is running on his judgment. This week we found out, his record on that isn't so good. Days after Barack Obama granted the first television interview with his entire family, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said he regrets thrusting his two young daughters in the media spotlight. From left, Michelle, […]

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July 13, 2008
For the record

Gas prices are still painfully high, and the Congress continues to be, in the words of Wm. Shakespeare, "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." For those interested in blaming a particular party, I give you the following chart -- you can figure out who you should vote for if you want lower prices.

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July 13, 2008
Tony Snow, RIP

Former "Fox News Sunday" host Tony Snow died early Saturday morning at the much too young age of 53. I got a very brief e-mail from Tony a couple years back, it was no more than an acknowledgment that he'd received my e-mail. It was clear that he'd read this blog at least once, probably […]

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July 8, 2008
Knowing who your friends are

Mary Anastasia O'Grady had an excellent article in yesterday's Wall Street Journal pointing out that last week's rescue of more than a dozen hostages from Colombia's FARC rebels rested on an underlying assumptions about who the rebels friends were. As we learn more about the Colombian military's daring hostage rescue last week, one detail stands […]

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July 8, 2008
Say what?!?

The New York Times reports: BAGHDAD — American and Iraqi officials have completed nearly the last chapter in dismantling Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program with the removal of hundreds of tons of natural uranium from the country’s main nuclear site. The uranium, which was removed several weeks ago, arrived in Canada over the weekend, according to […]

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July 8, 2008
Global warming update

Here's a couple of posts for your further education on global warming that you won't see in the media that has bought in to the scaremongering. First, one of Anthony Watts' volunteers has discovered another temperature monitoring station that has all sorts of problems in Crosby, N.D. Second, over at Q and O, McQ has […]

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