August 18, 2008
Obama's shame, Pt. 3

After calling the National Right-to-Life Committee -- and others who have repeated the group's claims that Obama opposed the Illinois version of the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act -- liars. An Obama spokesman came out yesterday and confessed that there is only one liar -- and his name is Barack Obama. His campaign yesterday acknowledged that […]

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August 18, 2008
Cone of silence scandal

I've mentioned before that Sen. Barack Obama's performance at Saturday evening's Civil Forum on the Presidency at Saddleback Church was noticably inferior to that of John McCain. Where Obama paused, uhhh'd and stumbled his way through much of the evening, McCain appeared in his element and much better composed. Obama's people have taken these disparate […]

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August 17, 2008
Obama's shame Pt.2

CBN's David Brody asked Sen. Barack Obama about the NRLC's discovery -- with solid documentary evidence -- that Obama voted down a state bill identical to the federal Born-Alive Infant Protection Act that Obama claims he supported. Obama calls the NRLC liars -- without any documentary proof other than his own say-so. Sorry, but that […]

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August 17, 2008
TiVo-blogging the Civil Forum

So, it's not really a TiVo, but everyone understands that ubiquitous term as opposed to the slightly more obscure PVR -- which is what I'm really using. (Transcript can be found here.) As I have done before, let me re-state my concern about having pastors/priests/men of God dabbling in partisan politics: They shouldn't. Having said […]

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August 17, 2008
It's always hockey season

If you've had the unfortunate experience of having to watch Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," then you've seen the graph known as the hockey stick. It's called the hockey stick because it looks like a hockey stick laid on its side with the blade pointing up. It's also a crock. First, you'll notice if you […]

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August 17, 2008
Inconvenient weather

In the past couple of years my reading on climate change has consisted of and WattsUpWithThat on the Web and the book "Unstoppable Global Warming." Yesterday, I finished "Climate Confusion," by Roy W. Spencer, a book perfect for the layman ("Unstoppable Global Warming" is a little more on the heavy side) when it comes […]

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August 15, 2008
Obama's shame

My first instinct was to add the category "abortion" to this post, but that wouldn't have accurate. What we're talking about here isn't abortion. It's infanticide -- and Sen. Barack Obama, it turns out, is not that bothered by it. I mentioned several months ago that Obama had voted against a bill as an Illinois […]

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August 15, 2008
Russia vs. Georgia

This isn't about the Olympics. This is about what to do about Russia's invasion of Georgia and its attempt to overthrow its democratically-elected government. Direct military action is something we should avoid, but the Washington Post's Charles Krauthammer has some substantive actions we can take that can hurt the expansionist Russians. We are not without […]

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August 15, 2008
Summer vacation

The dearth of posting this week has been due to my all-too-short summer vacation. I've been doing some home-improvement projects. Nothing major, because I'm not exactly a whiz with power tools. I've done some painting, spackling and general cleaning. Hopefully, it will make the place a little more inviting when I return to my $4 […]

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August 13, 2008
If they commanded the sun to rise...

...and it did -- as it tends to do -- they would take credit for it. It was a bad crisis for the world. It required tough words but also a smart approach to call on the international community to step in. And I’m very, very happy that the Senator’s [Barack Obama's] request for a […]

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