October 3, 2008
The debate

After watching the vice presidential debate on tape delay, there's just a few points/observations I want to make: How the heck does it work out that Joe Biden gets the first word and the last word? Biden says that McCain voted against funding the troops. Exactly who is that going to convince? Seriously. Biden is […]

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October 2, 2008
Help me understand

I've got the vice presidential debate replaying in another window on my computer as I scan through Web sites and I came across this from the New York Times live blog of the debate. One to One | 10:25 p.m. Ms. Ifill tries to break through the conventional wisdom about their biggest weaknesses. She notes […]

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October 2, 2008
Ifill's ethics

...or lack thereof. I found it curious over the past couple of days as the blogosphere and talk radio pointed out vice presidential debate moderator Gwen Ifill's conflict of interest that the major sites devoted to journalism mentioned little about the controversy. Editor & Publisher relegated the issue to a brief mention on its E&P […]

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October 1, 2008
Journalistic standards

Along with "military intelligence," "journalistic standards" is fast becoming an oxymoron. Today, syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin brought attention to the fact that the moderator for tomorrow night's vice presidential debate, Gwen Ifill, has a substantial financial interest in an Obama victory. In an imaginary world where liberal journalists are held to the same standards as […]

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October 1, 2008
The church of Obama

I've seen this sort of thing before -- but before the kids were worshiping God. Everyone worships something. If you don't worship God, you worship money or fame or ... politicians.

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September 30, 2008
Baldfaced lies

One of the lies that is making its way through the lefty blogosphere to the mainstream media is that Gov. Sarah Palin, during her time as mayor of Wasilla, charged victims of rape for the so-called "rape kit" that gathered evidence of the crime. Today, the Boston Globe demands that Palin answer for this insanity. […]

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September 29, 2008
Journalistic ethics

MSNBC host Chris "Tingle Leg" Matthews was at the University of Mississippi today and interviewed his daughter on air -- without disclosing the fact. His excuse was that his daughter didnt want him to tell anyone that she was his daughter. I can understand her reticence to be associated with her embarrassment of an old […]

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September 29, 2008
Blame game

The blame game has started with Sen. Harry Reid: With the stock market recording its largest point drop ever in the aftermath of this vote, it has never been more clear how important it is to put politics aside and come together to stabilize our economy for all Americans, Reid said. I hope House Republicans […]

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September 29, 2008
Bailout fails

The House voted 228-205 today to kill the proposed bailout plan. Some facts to keep in mind: Democrats voted 140-95 for the bill Republicans voted 65-133 against the bill Speaker Nancy Pelosi wanted cover from the House GOP to pass this bill 1 in 3 Republicans is definitely enough to count as cover The Democrats […]

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September 29, 2008
Why they don't care

If you wonder if your state representatives feel your pain when they fill up their cars at the pump, then you were wrong. SACRAMENTO (AP) - Californians have been feeling pain at the pump for months amid record-high gas prices, with one notable exception: state lawmakers. Members of Californias Legislature enjoy a perk not available […]

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