It's still smoky here, and I haven't gotten a lot in the way of sleep for the past couple of days. I've been going to bed at night with the TV on and the volume down low hoping that if they say something about evacuating the Palomar Medical Center that I'll hear it subconsciously and wake up. The hospital is a few blocks away, and if they're ordered to evacuate, that'd be my cue to do likewise.
The San Diego Union-Tribune continues to run its fireblog -- but the paper isn't hosting it anymore -- the site traffic was too much for the paper to bear. You can find it at Blogspot now. Videos are also a big bandwith hog -- you can find those at YouTube.
After the Cedar Fire four years ago, I thought I'd never see anything like it again in my lifetime. Oh boy, was I wrong. More than 500,000 people have been evacuated at one time or another. While some return home, others are urged to move out with the shifting of the winds.
This is going to be one crazy week. And we'll be dealing with the aftermath for years.