November 30, 2006
Look Ma! No brains!

Lindsay Lohan, known equally for her "acting" and hedonistic partying, has released a letter of condolence that she sent to the family of deceased director Robert Altman. Hollywood stars like Lohan have publicists, right? Maybe the publicist should hire a copyeditor before allowing Lohan to display her "writings" in public.

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November 30, 2006
Virginia is for nutjobs

First you had Virginia's incumbent Sen. George Allen "macaca" himself out of office with the help of an overzealous Washington Post. Now you've got that same state's Sen.-elect, Jim Webb, embracing his inner jackass. At a recent White House reception for freshman members of Congress, Virginia's newest senator tried to avoid President Bush. Democrat James […]

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November 29, 2006
Mr. Camp, I'll die first

Please see important update at the bottom of this post. If you haven't seen the movie "End of the Spear," it's out on video and you should pick it up. The film about four Christian missionaries who were brutally killed by the Waodani tribe of Ecuador focuses mainly on the Saint family. One of the […]

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November 29, 2006
Civil War

There's been a brouhaha in some of the right-wing media criticism sites over a move to describe Iraq today as being in the throes of a civil war. (See here, here and here.) Personally, despite the disconcerting level of violence that is going on in the Sunni-triangle area of Iraq, I don't think that it's […]

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November 28, 2006
Pelosi's first smart move

House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi has decided that impeached judge Alcee Hastings isn't the person to chair the House Intelligence Committee. For those interested on some more background on Hastings, check out this report by National Review's Byron York on the impeachment inquiry led by Democrat Rep. John Conyers.

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November 27, 2006
Casino Royale

Just got back from seeing the latest James Bond flick. Sunday night is the best time to go -- I shared the theater with two other people -- it's almost like having your own private 80-foot big screen television set. Anyway, Casino Royale is possibly the best Bond film ever. Yes, I've seen them all. […]

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November 26, 2006
The useless Saudis

Denver Post columnist David Harsanyi had an excellent column last week that I didn't want you to miss. Luckily, Colorado Attorney General John Suthers isn't Jewish. Or a woman. Or gay. The clown princes and oligarchs of Saudi Arabia don't take kindly to those kinds of people in their midst. Then again, Christians, Hindis, Buddhists, […]

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November 26, 2006
Keep talking...

It will be curious to see if the media in the coming days gives Rep. Charlie Rangel's "members of the military only join because they can't get a good job" comments similar play to Sen. John Kerry's "the troops are stupid" slur. On "Fox News Sunday" this morning, Rangel had the following to say : […]

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November 26, 2006
Channeling my inner loon

Whenever some nutjob threatens a Supreme Court justice or some other assorted liberal politician (yes, I've purposefully conflated some judges with political operatives -- because they act that way) the loons on the left lay blame on talk radio or the right-wing blogosphere. Curiously, these same people are untroubled by the hate and bile from […]

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November 26, 2006
Power corrupts

There's a certain type of person who simply can't be trusted to wield any sort of power. You know the type -- they were the self-important, arrogant jackasses in your high school class who somehow managed to avoid having reality give them a good kick in the butt. Today's example is something that probably went […]

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