October 15, 2006

If you missed today's "Fox News Sunday," then you missed a shining example of how today's Democrat Party is simply not serious when it comes to foreign policy. I ripped into former President Carter last week after he pointedly ignored the inconvenient fact that he was suckered by the North Koreans and the "agreed framework" […]

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October 14, 2006
Sticking it to Chavez

You might be familiar with the story of the Aleut tribes who told Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez to take his free heating oil and stuff it after Chavez called President Bush the devil, among other slanders, at the United Nations. These people are poor, and could certainly use some charity. Donations to help the villages […]

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October 14, 2006
Freshmen honors students are still freshmen

There's been some hubbub about 14-year-old Julia Wilson's MySpace page, which for a time featured a picture of President Bush, the words "Kill Bush" and a dagger stabbing him in the hand. Wilson, described as an honors student, isn't terribly bright. Her posting got her a visit from the Secret Service. Is the Secret Service […]

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October 12, 2006
People who think they're better than you

Alec Baldwin.

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October 12, 2006
That culture of corruption thing

Despite the continuing low-level rumble of the Mark Foley scandal, the Democrats seem to have largely abandoned their "culture of corruption" talking points. Why? Two reasons. First, there still isn't $90,000 in my freezer. Second, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid violated disclosure rules (at the very least) when he failed to report that he traded […]

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October 11, 2006
Worst. Ex-president. Ever.

In an op-ed in today's New York Times, former President Jimmy Carter advocates for an appeasement far worse than anything Neville Chamberlin advocated in the run-up to World War II. Carter, who negotiated the dismal failure known as the Agreed Framework with North Korea, suggests doing the very same thing again -- because the original […]

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October 10, 2006
Playing politics

Yesterday, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid and others decided that the blame for the fact that an evil, egotistical dictator had (apparently) detonated a nuclear bomb belonged to President George W. Bush -- instead of the aforementioned evil, egotistical dictator. Today, Sen. John McCain fired back. "I would remind Senator (Hillary) Clinton and other Democrats critical […]

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October 10, 2006
Sure to get Clinton's finger twitchin'

This GOP campaign ad -- which will only be running on the Internet, is funny, but tragically true. The video was done by "Airplane!" writer David Zucker.

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October 10, 2006
The Duke Lacrosse Scandal

The scandal isn't that Duke Lacrosse players raped an "exotic dancer," because the evidence is pretty clear that they didn't. Instead, the scandal is how the media has covered the story -- especially the New York Times, according to New York magazine reporter Kurt Anderson. But real facts are stubborn things. And today, the preponderance […]

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October 9, 2006
A life lived well

The Los Angeles Times ran a front page story last week about Marine Lance Cpl. Christopher Adlesperger who has been nominated for the Medal of Honor. Unfortunately, like most of those so honored, if Adlesperger is awarded the Medal of Honor it will be posthumously. Adlesperger, acting as the point man for the four-man fire […]

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