October 25, 2006
Breaking out of the cocoon

ABC's online political blog-type-thingy "The Note" has the outline of how the media has planned to cover these last two weeks leading up to the midterm election. "The Note" lists the 12 storylines and then follows up with link after link after link after link to examples. A few selected highlights: How the (liberal) Old […]

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October 24, 2006
An unpopular solution?

In a subscribers-only piece in today's Wall Street Journal Max Boot suggests that those people who are truly concerned about the slaughter in Darfur consider doing something more substantive than TV commercials and full-page newspaper ads. Case in point: Darfur. A force of 7,000 lightly armed African Union peacekeepers has been helpless to stop the […]

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October 24, 2006
Dixie Chicks are not exactly truthful

Today we have the first-ever guest post on Hoystory. The following is "the rest of the story" about the Dixie Chicks (cumulative IQ = -3) and their claim that the Red Cross refused their money because they're controversial, courtesy my brother-in-law, Ronnie Short. I am bothered about a false statement the Dixie Chicks are making […]

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October 24, 2006
When racism is acceptable

Apparently racial slurs are OK as long as they're used by blacks against whites. Can you imagine the outrage if Senate hopeful Bob Corker of Tennessee had refered to Harold Ford Jr.-supporters as the n-word? I suspect that this video of Harold Ford Sr. referring to pro-life activists as "crackers" won't get a whole lot […]

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October 24, 2006
More on Calame's revelation

The Boston Herald's Jules Crittendon encourages New York Times public editor Byron Calame to look a little deeper into the elite journalist's mindset. Calame’s mea culpa has a bit of the dog-ate-my-homework about it. As blogger Don Surber noted, Calame blamed his opinion in part for his sympathy with the "underdog" -- the New York […]

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October 24, 2006
The world's biggest softball

If any reporter or columnist had thrown softballs like these at President Bush, you'd have the journalistic establishment hyperventilating with outrage: You’re presented as a wealthy woman from San Francisco when you’re really this middle-class kid from Baltimore … How do you get more of who you are across? You get very high marks for […]

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October 23, 2006

"Weird Al" Yankovic has a new album out, and his new video "White and Nerdy" is a big hit over on YouTube. For those of you who are "Weird Al" fans, there's an excellent essay over at Slate that's well worth your time. For those of you who aren't "Weird Al" fans, the aforementioned article […]

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October 23, 2006
Awareness dawns on Byron Calame

At the bottom of a column designed to discourage scrutiny by starting out with the New York Times perfume critic, public editor Byron Calame drops a stunner: Since the job of public editor requires me to probe and question the published work and wisdom of Times journalists, there’s a special responsibility for me to acknowledge […]

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October 22, 2006
Scalia knows his job

Unfortunately, too many of Justice Antonin Scalia's colleagues on the high court don't want their own jobs, they want the legislators' and the president's job -- without the accountability. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Deeply controversial issues like abortion and suicide rights have nothing to do with the Constitution, and unelected judges too often choose to find […]

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October 22, 2006
A little thin

Yes, it's the political silly season, which means that the stupid too often gets mixed up with the serious. Serious: Sen. Harry Reid's shady land deals and failure to accurately report his investments, as required by Senate rules. Silly: This Time magazine story on Rep. Jane Harman's (D-Calif.) efforts to keep her seat on the […]

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