November 6, 2006
He knows of what he speaks

CNN's Jack Cafferty is an angry, old, curmudgeonly liberal. Cafferty's short opinion and e-mail segments take place during CNN's "Situation Room" hosted by Wolf Blitzer (at least, that's when I see them). Cafferty's recurring role during what is ostensibly supposed to be an unbiased newscast is decidedly left-leaning and makes the assertions that CNN is […]

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November 6, 2006
Insincere apologies

Last week, Sen. John Kerry said the members of the U.S. military are stupid and uneducated. After two days and a shunning by his colleagues not seen since the days of Hester Prynne, Kerry apologized -- sort of. Kerry's apology was transparently insincere and it followed the template of insincere apologies by all politicians nowadays. […]

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November 6, 2006
Politics and racism

Today's "Best of the Web Today" contains this gem from media darling Sen. Barack Obama. Hypocrisy, Anyone? "Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois today urged hundreds of blacks not to vote along racial lines next week in Maryland's Senate race. Obama, the only black U.S. senator, came to the state to rally support for Democratic Rep. […]

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November 6, 2006
Good commercials

I like these new commercials for Haggar pants, they're pretty good. There are short versions on TV, but you can find the longer versions on YouTube.

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November 4, 2006
Legal advice

It's not often that I do a "bleg" (blog+beg), but I'd appreciate it if someone knows a good lawyer in the field of copyright in the San Diego area. I may write about this later, but right now I have an issue with an image copyright I own that has been infringed upon. If you […]

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November 4, 2006
Do not call. Do not call.

One of Congress' most useful actions in the past decade was the creation of a national do-no-call list. The list has proven very popular -- those who like to talk to telemarketers at dinner time being a minority among the American populace -- but it has some loopholes. First, is the exception allowed for companies […]

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November 3, 2006
How do you keep the distortions straight?

Remember back when Iraq wasn't a threat? Remember when the United States invaded Iraq despite the fact that Saddam Hussein truthfully said he had no weapons of mass destruction and no plans to build any? Well, today's New York Times has an article on that government Web site that invited armchair Arabists to translate (because […]

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November 2, 2006
Global politics for the videogame set

It's in German, but you can understand what's going on. Consider it a learning tool for those who get their understanding of the world from videogames.

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November 2, 2006
Ignorant, stupid or a shill?

From an Associated Press article on Sen. John Kerry's recent idiocy: One thing the episode does show, says a prominent analyst of political communication, is that more than ever, politicians need to listen to themselves while speaking, and catch remarks that could be misconstrued. Call it self-editing, or self-monitoring _ Kerry was not doing that […]

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November 2, 2006
A kinda apology

Late this afternoon Sen. John Kerry apologized -- sorta: As a combat veteran, I want to make it clear to anyone in uniform and to their loved ones: my poorly stated joke at a rally was not about, and never intended to refer to any troop. I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to […]

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