Greg Mitchell is the Great Evil Lefty

Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on April 24, 2006

Greg Mitchell is the editor of Editor & Publisher magazine and he's an evil lefty. Not all lefties are evil, but Mitchell is. Greg Mitchell is the Great Evil Lefty. Down with the Great Evil Lefty. Kill the Great Evil Lefty. Chop off Greg Mitchell's head!

Pretty wacky, huh? At this point I'd like to disavow everything that precedes this sentence. But will Mitchell call the FBI on me? Have I made a threat? Have I made a credible threat? If Mitchell denounces me for calling him the "Great Evil Lefty," is he responding to a trumped up threat?

I ask the question, because in a column about a week and a half ago that I dutifully ignored, Mitchell had this to say about a terror-supporting country who is attempting to build a nuclear bomb:

Recent media accounts have often cast a skeptical eye on the trumped-up Iran threat, and reporters are already asking probing questions at White House briefings -- before the war this time, not months after an attack. [emphasis added]

You can debate what we should do about Iran and its pursuit for nuclear weapons; whether we should stick with diplomacy or if we're going to have to do airstrikes with conventional or nuclear weapons. However, to dismiss Iran as a "trumped-up threat" is to live in complete denial about what those running that nation are all about.

If I continually refer to Greg Mitchell as the Great Evil Lefty and make post after post calling for really bad things to happen to him is there a reason that he shouldn't believe me? What if I started taking pictures of firearms and posting them? What if I printed out a picture of Great Evil Lefty's mug and took it down to the shooting range and put a bullet through the forehead portion of the image? What if I posted a picture of myself, holding a shotgun, outside Mitchell's residence? At what point to I cease to be a "trumped-up threat" in Mitchell's mind?

Anyone who believes that Iran is all bluster and is no threat to peace in the Middle East is a fool. Greg Mitchell isn't a fool, but he sure writes like one.

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