The method for sending a password so you can post comments was kaput. It is no longer. If you had registered and never received an e-mail with a password, I'm sorry, but try again. I've tested it and it is working as of this moment.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully these growing pains will quickly subside.
*UPDATE* It appears that passwords are, at the very least, not making it through e-mail servers. I'll continue to try to figure out what's going on. However, I can confirm that they do make it to gmail accounts. So, if you fail to get your password sent to you the first time, try again using a web-based e-mail account.
Also, if anyone other than Cox High Speed Internet users aren't getting the e-mail, please drop me a note @ hoystory -at- cox -dot- net. Also, don't forget to check that it didn't accidentally get sent to your spam folder.