January 6, 2005
All I want for Christmas

From the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas, I present: Nirvana. This is a 102-inch TV set. This is really cool. No word on the possible retail price of this super-boob tube, but I'm pretty confident that it's beyond my means.

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January 6, 2005
My idiot

California Sen. Barbara Boxer is reportedly considering objecting to the counting of Ohio's electoral votes because of voting irregularities. Let us review: President Bush won Ohio by more than 100,000 votes out of about 5.5 million cast. For this, Boxer and a few loony left liberals in the House are considering raising an objection which […]

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January 5, 2005
The case of the dumb administrator

The idiot of the day is the principal of Westminster High School in Westminster, Md. Curiously, the principal isn't named in the story. Apparently it is the policy of the school that when there is a fire everyone is to evacuate the building -- except the two students who are in wheelchairs. They get to […]

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January 5, 2005
For the record

Some have questioned whether I support President Bush's plan to partially privatize Social Security. The answer is: I don't know. I don't know what exactly Bush's plan is, because he has said that he doesn't want to "negotiate with himself." However, what really galls me (if it wasn't clear from this post) is anyone who […]

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January 5, 2005
On journalism

When you typically ask a professional journalist why they decided to get into that profession, the answer you all too often get is something related to changing the world or helping the downtrodden. (See Coleman, Nick.) I'm an anomaly. I got into journalism because I love to write. Have I gotten excited when I uncovered […]

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January 4, 2005
He's baaaaaack

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has returned from his all-too-brief vacation to read a book with what promises to be a series of articles arguing that Social Security is not in trouble, and everything will be OK for 100+ years to come. Krugman's got some beauts in the column and a longer piece in […]

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January 3, 2005
Freedom of speech

The right to speak your mind only applies to liberals. That may sound like some sort of stupid joke, but the American left all too often behaves as it is true. When you criticize some sophomoric Hollywood star who has taken it upon themselves to be the font of all that is right and good […]

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January 3, 2005
Just what we need

One of the sillier new laws that the California nanny state has passed requires people to turn on their lights if they're using their windshield wipers. This law was brought to us courtesy of state legislator Joe Simitian's "It Ought to be a Law" contest. The only thing sillier than this law itself is the […]

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January 3, 2005
CBS mending fences?

Broadcasting & Cable is reporting an effort by CBS News to try to convince the White House that it is not a subsidiary of the Democratic Party. Heyward was “working overtime to convince Bartlett that neither CBS News nor Rather had a vendetta against the White House,” our source says, “and from here on out […]

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January 3, 2005
Advice for Senate Democrats

It's not often that I go out on a limb and give well-intentioned advice to America's minority party. I'm going to do it this time because if what Matt Drudge is reporting is true, then the Dems are not only going to shoot themselves in the proverbial foot with the American people, but also hurt […]

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