November 9, 2005
Election aftermath

One thing is obvious: Gov. Schwarzenegger doesn't have the pull he used to have. The Governator's reform agenda -- embodied in Propositions 74-77 -- all went down in flames. In fact, every proposition in the state failed. The one with the closest margin of any issue on the ballot was the parental notification (not consent) […]

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November 8, 2005
Today's whopper

We all know that former CBS Producer Mary Mapes is a victim of an ingenious yet dastardly plot by Karl Rove, but this statement from an interview set to air tomorrow on ABC's' "Good Morning America" demonstrates once again that journalism has some serious problems. Mapes says she is continuing to investigate the source of […]

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November 8, 2005
I'm not sure I believe this

But it sure is funny. Have you ever had one of those off-the-wall experiences when you thought, "no one will ever believe this just happened?" Well, Monday was my day in bizarre-o-world. At 5:30 on Monday afternoon, I stepped into an elevator in a friend's condominium, and the phone started to ring. Not my cell […]

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November 7, 2005
John Fowles, RIP

Author John Fowles has died at 79. I read Fowles' novel "The Magus" my sophmore year of college and loved it. It still sits on my bookshelf with a photocopy of the original last chapter tucked in the cover. Fowles rewrote several parts of the book after it first came out and those changes are […]

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November 7, 2005
Hoystory endorses

Tomorrow is election day here in California, and if you've already turned in your ballot by absentee you can go ahead and vote again -- especially if you happen to live in King County, Wash. On a more serious note: Voting is a test. If your answers don't match mine then you're wrong -- that's […]

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November 7, 2005
The missing fact

Today's New York Times editorial page takes the Bush administration to task for its refusal to cripple the U.S. economy by instituting draconian emissions controls like those outlined in the Kyoto protocol. In the course of a study comparing costs and benefits of various clean air bills rattling around Capitol Hill (including Mr. Bush's Clear […]

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November 7, 2005
Educating Jane Hall

Let me explain how federal circuit courts work. Appeals are first heard by three judge panels. On rare occasions, the court may grant an en banc hearing, where all of the circuit court's judges decide on the case. So, when it comes to Supreme Court nominee Judge Samuel Alito -- the overwhelming majority of the […]

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November 6, 2005

I must confess that I'm a little bit mystified why Democrats are so concerned about who President Bush's political staff are. New York Sen. Chuck Schumer was on "Fox News Sunday" this morning urging the president to fire Karl Rove and others so that he could "move forward." This is a new side to Chuck […]

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November 6, 2005
How to do real reporting

The editors at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer could learn a thing or two dozen from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. While the P-I is more than satisfied to reprint Joseph Wilson's lies "because he was the best person to know," the Post-Dispatch did some serious and critical reporting on a former Marine staff sergeant who is going […]

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November 5, 2005
The problem with journalism

Well, there's more than one, but today we're going to look at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. The P-I as it's known in Washington State, recently ran an article where it uncritically repeated Joseph Wilson's lie that he "found nothing" on his visit to Niger. When challenged on their failure to report on Wilson critically, the P-I […]

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