Keeping on Krugman

Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on June 20, 2005

Donald Luskin points out that New York Times columnist Paul Krugman's Friday column could've been his first-ever "crossover" column -- if only he had mentioned that those involved in Ohio's MDL scandal are Democrats. Instead, Krugman -- in a sin of omission -- makes it appear that Ohio Republicans are the state's big criminals.

Quite a scandal. But what Krugman seems too ignorant to know -- or perhaps he knows, and he's just too sleazy to acknowledge -- is that the MDL scandal is all about Democrats, all the way.

According to the Toledo Blade's reporting that Krugman cites as his source for this "bigger story," the person who told the CFO to "give MDL a break" was George Forbes, a member of the BWC's Oversight Commission. Forbes is also president of the Cleveland chapter of the NAACP, former president of the Cleveland City Council, former candidate for mayor of Cleveland -- and a Democrat.

And who's that daughter who's employed by MDL? You guessed it, didn't you -- Mildred "Mimi" Forbes, daughter of the very same George Forbes, Democrat.

I must confess that I'm not surprised. That's the state of journalism -- even opinion journalism -- at America's "Paper of record."


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