Revenge of the Sith

Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on May 23, 2005

Saw it late last night in a rather sparsely attended showing 11:25 showing. The special effects, space battles and light-saber fights were wery impressive. The acting was rather wooden -- it's saying something when the best acting job in the entire movie is done by a CGI character -- Yoda.

I just don't understand how George Lucas, as a director, can do this to these actors. Samuel L. Jackson and Natalie Portman are excellent actors -- as they've proven in so many other films. I caught a little bit of the movie "Shattered Glass" yesterday afternoon, and despite widespread belief, that film proves Hayden Christensen has some acting ability.

The movie's definitely worth seeing, but don't expect to see any Academy Award-winning acting.


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