Thursday's New York Times letters to the editor: 14 total letters. 5 anti-Bush. 1 neutral. 3 pro-Bush. (One from the Federal Highway Administration in direct response to an editorial). 2 anti-Bloomberg. 1 pro-business. (Response to a direct attack in an editorial). 1 anti-business. 1 nut-case.
I just loved the last letter, and wonder if the biggies in the blogosphere should take a look at the qualifications of Dr. Ron Baiman of the University of Illinois.
Our expert witness, Dr. Ron Baiman of the University of Illinois, testified that the probability that John Kerry won Ohio (and thus the presidency) was about 99 percent.
I think I'll take a look at the data which suggests that something was to blame for more than 50,000 ballots being miscounted in Ohio.
*UPDATE* That took a fraction of a second. It turns out that Dr. Baiman's analysis isn't based on votes of any type -- but on the mistaken belief that exit polls are more accurate than counting actual votes. His article is here. [PDF format]