I've been reading Drudge, National Review, Instapundit and all sorts of other blogs and news sites for the past couple of hours -- along with flipping from news channel to news channel. Frankly I'm sick of it. Exit polls are meaningless and often inaccurate.
As the returns start to come in tonight I would hope that the TV media would think twice before they call states -- allowing at least absentee ballots to be counted before they start declaring winners. In past elections I've always been flabbergasted by graphics showing a winner being declared, and, at the bottom in small type, the words: "0% of precincts reporting." This reveals that the call is based only on exit polls and not on actual votes. Needless to say that the exit polls are less than trustworthy.
I'd rather have a late night than have to watch the media doing flip-flops as actual votes are counted.
I'd also hope that the networks avoid calling states altogether if polls are still open anywhere in the state -- especially Florida (because polls in the panhandle are open one hour later than those in the rest of the state).
Having said that, I'm going to take a nap until polls actually start closing -- and I have to go into work.
If you haven't voted, then make sure you get to the polls. Remember, make my co-workers miserable tonight -- they deserve it.