Last week the Bush administration put out some positive ads which included brief glimpses of ground zero and 9/11.
Unsurprisingly, some families of 9/11 victims screamed bloody murder at President Bush using images "for political gain."
Well, it turns out that these individuals were part of a coordinated campaign by a liberal anti-war group. It was all over the blogosphere and certain talk radio shows, but the big three networks and CNN had their story and they were sticking to it. (A good backgrounder on this whole subject can be found here.)
By the end of the week, the story had mostly died down -- because Bush came out with some negative ads -- and those on the right weren't buying it. They'd gotten all the mileage out of it they could.
Then along came Bill Schneider, CNN's senior political analyst with his "Political Play of the Week."
No mention is made of these individuals' anti-war ties (the group which they represented had even opposed military action in Afghanistan), or the fact that later in the week, other family members had come out to support the president.
Nope, they get praised on CNN's flagship political program.
That liberal media.