December 9, 2002
First off, I'm not going to defend...

Sen. Trent Lott's widely-reported remark at Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday party. But Paul Krugman's latest column does contain some whoppers. [A] man from Mars -- or from Europe -- might expect Mississippi voters to favor progressive taxation and generous social programs. After all, the state benefits immensely from the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon […]

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December 9, 2002
Ummmm....then maybe they're not so outrageous

James Taranto, the author of the indispensible "Best of the Web Today," in an item entitled: "Will the Saudis Conquer Rome?" refers to a Web article translated by the also-indispensible Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). The Middle East Media Research Institute translates a Web article by Sheikh Muhammad bin Abd Al-Rahman Al-Arifi, imam of […]

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December 8, 2002
We don't want to do anything about it, we just want to complain

That's the word from Amnesty International after Great Britain, late last week, released a dossier detailing (with substantial contribution from human rights groups like Amnesty International), human rights abuses under Saddam's regime. (Amnesty International's) secretary general, Irene Khan, wrote recently that "this selective attention to human rights is nothing but a cold and calculated manipulation […]

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December 8, 2002
Idiots of the week

Irene Vandas and Jennifer Ziemann of Vancouver, B.C. Opposition to a war on Iraq has a long way to go before it rivals the draft-card burnings and demonstrations against the war in Vietnam in the 1960s, but a new anti-war movement is growing muscle. Some Canadians already have left for Iraq to serve as human […]

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December 7, 2002
Race and college admissions

John McWhorter has an excellent piece in Sunday's Washington Post arguing that the only basis for lowering admissions standards is for socioeconomic reasons. The question we need to ask, then, is why schools must lower standards to have a decent number of middle-class black students on campus. Over the past few years, a study by […]

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December 5, 2002
Idiot on the Bench

Today's winner of the "Idiot on the Bench" award goes to Ninth Circuit (surprise!) Judge J. Clifford Wallace. Wallace turned down an appeal for asylum from a Chinese couple who feared (rightly) forced sterilization if returned to their country. Wallace wrote in his opinion: While one may condemn the way Xu (Ming Li) was treated […]

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December 5, 2002
Goldberg tells it like it is

National Review's Jonah Goldberg has an excellent piece on Muslim leaders' claims that Islam is a religion of peace. Goldberg's argument, in short, is: Denounce violence and don't equivocate.

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December 5, 2002
Civil disobedience, free speech, Christian-phobia and the courts

National Review's Rod Dreher wrote a good backgrounder on the case of NOW v. Scheidler. It's a good read. While I'm pro-life, I'm stridently opposed to violence at abortion clinics. My definition of violence for this case is rather broad. I would include: shooting doctors or clinic employees; stalking the same; bombing clinics; defacing clinic […]

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December 4, 2002
Our friends the Saudis

The World-Tribune is reporting that the Saudis are trying to rally other Arab states against the possibility of creating a democratic government in a post-Saddam Iraq. Saudi Arabia is working to form an Arab coalition to oppose any U.S. drive to impose democracy on the Middle East. Arab diplomatic sources said the kingdom has been […]

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December 4, 2002
McCain-Feingold a failure

So says its supporters!

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