Guy Benson over at gives jerk Alan Grayson a taste of his own medicine. I look forward to the day when this odious scumbag goes home to his very own MSNBC show.
Guy Benson over at gives jerk Alan Grayson a taste of his own medicine. I look forward to the day when this odious scumbag goes home to his very own MSNBC show.
Rep. Alan Grayson is a favorite of the MSNBC set. He’s made a name for himself in Congress for basically being little more than an out-of-control attack dog. I made a short tweet criticizing him last week for an ad in which he claimed his GOP opponent was a draft dodger, when in fact, he […]
You may remember the four missionaries that were arrested earlier this year outside a Dearborn, Mich., Arab festival in June. Today they were acquitted of “breach of peace.” Or, as the bizarre Detroit Free Press characterized it: “inciting a crowd.” Here’s the video again, can anyone tell me where the crowd is that they are […]
Friday morning, while most of the media was focused like a laser on a comedian performing like a court jester on Capitol Hill, Christoper Coates was testifying that the Obama Justice Department was refusing to prosecute blacks for crimes against whites. "I had people who told me point-blank that [they] didn't come to the voting […]
I’ve mentioned before that I think Moody’s economist Mark Zandi is a snake oil salesman for his “model” that says for every $1 you spend on unemployment insurance you get $1.63 of economic activity. If that’s the case, everyone should go on unemployment. Over at The Big Picture, someone has used a good ol’ Lexis/Nexis […]
I just got finished reading the 2-fer of Greg Bear’s sci-fi collection “Darwin’s Radio” and its sequel “Darwin’s Children.” Bear is known as a “hard” sci-fi writer in that his works hew very closely to science as we know it. Bear follows that model here as he spins a story involving viruses, the human genome […]
Paul Ryan attempts to have an adult conversation with intellectual heavyweight Debbie Wasserman Schultz. And fails miserably.
Loretta Sanchez tells Univision viewers that those pesky Vietnamese are plotting to take her seat from her. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the condemnation from the MSM. If you’re interested, you can contribute to “that Vietnamese” guy’s campaign here.
Any politician, or any person, especially when they're speaking off the cuff, can say stupid ignorant things. Generally, it's not indicative of any larger intellectual issues, unless your last name is Bush. So, here's a bit of historical ignorance from our commander-in-chief and just imagine how the MSM commentariat would portrayed this if Bush had […]
Justice Stephen Breyer has a new book coming out. No, you don’t need to read it. I don’t need to read it either. I know exactly what it will say: The constitution means exactly what Breyer wants it to mean – no more, no less. Yesterday’s Washington Post had a short article on Breyer’s new […]