When I saw the latest New York Times editorial on the political unrest in Iran, I predicted that Michael Ledeen would have something to say about it. And he does! To quote Glenn Reynolds: "ADVANTAGE Ledeen!"
When I saw the latest New York Times editorial on the political unrest in Iran, I predicted that Michael Ledeen would have something to say about it. And he does! To quote Glenn Reynolds: "ADVANTAGE Ledeen!"
An editorial in today's New York Times calls on Illinois Gov. George Ryan to commute the sentences of everyone on death row to life in prison (apparently with the possibility of parole). [G]ov. George Ryan of Illinois, whose state has a bad record of sentencing innocent people to death, declared a moratorium on executions a […]
"I hate Santa Ana winds. They suck!" -- San Diego Union-Tribune Page Designer Karla Brown-Garcia. It seemed funny at the time.
If you're not a regular reader of Little Green Footballs, you should be. Charles Johnson has been doing excellent work focusing on what is being said and being done by our "friends" in the Arab world. Perhaps the best attribute of Johnson's Web site is that it really is a community, where there is tons […]
An editorial in today's New York Times makes some interesting characterizations of the political situation in Iran. Expect the American Enterprise Institute's Michael Ledeen to take the Times to task, but I'll give you a preview of what I think he'll say. The Times editorialists state that students are protesting the sentence imposed on Hashem […]
The New York Times' columnist Paul Krugman has returned from a week off, and once again sees pure evil and villany in everything the Bush administration does. In Tuesday's column, Krugman takes to task Bush's plan to privatize some of the government bureaucracy. Now, I don't feel strongly about this plan one way or another. […]
Democrats call on Bush to seek UN help (HOYSTORY.COM) -- After nearly a decade of trying, Iraqi president Saddam Hussein declared victory over the "Zionist-backed American imperialist forces" after a Navy F/A-18D Hornet was shot down patrolling the southern no-fly zone. The plane, flown by Commander George I. Joe of Berkeley, Calif., was apparently hit […]
According to Fox News' "Special Report with Brit Hume" there is more evidence that former presidential candidate Al Gore has completely lost his mind. According to "Special Report," Gore is quoted in the upcoming issue of Time magazine as saying: Our foreign policy, based on an openly proclaimed intention to dominate the world, is a […]
OpinionJournal.com's Robert L. Bartley takes note of the knee-jerk name-calling that's being tossed about by liberal commentators. Like I've said before, if you had to depend on the likes of Paul Krugman, Bill Moyers and Molly Ivins for fair political commentary, you'd be sadly misinformed.
It can be a very exciting ride. The Washington Post has an enlightening article on the joint ventures that are required to do business in communist China.