Sorry, but life has been very busy the past few days. Expect blogging to (hopefully) resume late tonight.
Sorry, but life has been very busy the past few days. Expect blogging to (hopefully) resume late tonight.
The Wall Street Journal editorial page has taken on the issue of the poor paying no federal taxes again. The Journal has referred to these people as "Lucky Duckies" -- a characterization that just gives columnists like Paul Krugman fodder for his column. However, I will point out, once again that Krugman is a liar […]
Is the following individual a racist? Please vote. I HATE interracial relationships. Why do white men feel that white women are inferior to those baloney smellin' black whores? And it's not only that, but it's as if white men HATE white women, the very people who gave birth to white men. I think that interracial […]
Sometimes I miss good, old Jeffrey Hauser. Longtime readers of this blog will remember Hauser as a stalwart apologist/defender of New York Times columnist Paul Krugman who regularly posted his views in the comments link -- usually attached to the appropriate item. (A time or two a particular piece apparently got him in such a […]
The San Diego Union-Tribune's own Robert J. Caldwell has an article in the Sunday paper on the proposal to resume the draft. The article is based upon some facts from the Pentagon on our all-volunteer military -- and whatever Democratic congressmen Charlie Rangel and John Conyers say -- forcing people into the military that don't […]
Over at National Review Online. Even at the peak, most Americans disappointed pro-abortion ideologues by persisting in seeing abortion as a tragedy rather than a routine medical procedure. Parents do not dream of one day telling people about "my son the abortionist." Few men brag about pressuring their girlfriends or wives into having abortions. Unease […]
There's been a lot of discussion about the latest Bush tax cut plan and whether it's wise to give so much back to "the rich." But a chart on Page 35 of this week's Time magazine has me confused about the less-talked about Democratic plan. Entitled "For Richer or Poorer," the chart compares the "estimated […]
Wednesday President Bush came out against what he termed a "quota system" in place at the University of Michigan's campuses. The time for affirmative action at the nation's universities needs to come to an end. Is racism in American society eradicated? No. Some people will always harbor hate for those different from them in their […]
Mark the date and time! Today, probably for the first and last time, I agree with: The New York TImes editorial page and Supreme Court Justices John Paul Stevens and Stephen Breyer. Everyone, take a deep breath -- I have not been taken over by pod people. The issue is Congress' desire to create perpetual […]
New York Times editorial page columnists have, since the inception of President George Bush's administration, taken a certain pride in taking "brave" and "honorable" stands against a popular president -- especially since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Everyone's favorite columnist, Paul Krugman, recently told the German newspaper that he is "the solitary voice of the […]