March 11, 2003
Lede of the day

From Rod Dreher over at National Review: "[T]he French are going to go proctological on America in the Security Council this week, leading to a fresh round of pop-cult French-bashing." "Go proctological!" How apt.

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March 11, 2003
Eric Alterman's "What Liberal Media" Chapter 1

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I recently received a review copy of Alterman's new book and began reading it. I got through about 2 1/2 chapters when I realized that I should be reading with a pencil in hand. Every few sentences, Alterman would make some claim that I would find unfounded […]

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March 10, 2003
Advice to aspiring journalists

I've been in the journalism business for more than a decade (if I count my student-journalism days at Cal Poly SLO) and I've always been happy to help student journalists, aspiring writers and even talk about journalism to schoolkids. So, when asked, I often volunteer to share what I've learned. It usually comes down to […]

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March 9, 2003
The Mother of all Surrenders

Britain's Sunday Mirror is reporting that the Iraqis are trying to get a head start on the imminent war -- by crossing the Kuwaiti border and attempting to surrender to British troops. The motley band of a dozen troops waved the white flag as British paratroopers tested their weapons during a routine exercise. The stunned […]

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March 8, 2003
I like Mark Steyn!

A little jewel from his latest: The "human shields" are leaving Iraq, disenchanted after discovering that their Iraqi "co-ordinators" wanted to deploy them not at "humanitarian" facilities but at military bases. One fellow said he was used to working with young children and would have preferred to be deployed at an orphanage. Pity the poor […]

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March 8, 2003
Silly Brits

I just caught a couple of minutes of something that appeared to be a debate between some enlightened British intellectuals on C-SPAN. I turned the channel after one of the "anti-" America speakers rattled off a list of countries we've sent troops to (or, in one case, bombed) in the past decade or so. His […]

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March 8, 2003
A bit of wisdom from Jonah Goldberg

I liked this line from National Review columnist Jonah Goldberg's latest column: Being friends with sons-of-bitches in order to spread freedom and fight tyranny is entirely defensible; being friends with SOBs because it's convenient is immoral. Perfect.

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March 7, 2003
A new era begins

If you've watched presidential press conferences any time in the past couple dozen years, it's become tradition for the first question to be asked by the "elder stateswoman" of the White House press corps, Helen Thomas. For many decades, Thomas worked for UPI, but when the ownership changed, she quit and was hired by Hearst […]

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March 7, 2003
The view from Princeton, N.J.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman (who needs to take longer vacations) weighs in once more with an insightful analysis of U.S.-Mexico relations more than 1,500 miles away from the border. The point of Krugman's column, is that the U.S. officials have suggested that if Mexico, which has a seat on the U.N. Security Council, […]

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March 6, 2003
Lede of the day

From National Review's Jack Dunphy: [L]ike a favorite hymn learned in childhood, the words are as comforting as they are familiar: "The judgment of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, accordingly, is reversed."

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