If you're interested, check it out. [Adobe PDF required]
If you're interested, check it out. [Adobe PDF required]
For those of you who are interested about the United States "going it alone" in the war against Iraq, here's a list of who's with us now, and who was with us back in 1991 during the first Gulf War. 2003 -- 31 nations: Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Eritrea, […]
Sen. Joseph Lieberman was on "The O'Reilly Factor" last night and complained that President Bush had lost the goodwill of the world by, among other things, withdrawing from the Kyoto Treaty on global warming. The same treaty the Senate voted 95-0 to indicate that it would not ratify. Apparently Democrats are more concerned about appearances […]
I was in the newsroom earlier tonight when President Bush made his speech to the nation. Most action stopped as people gathered around the television sets to watch. Though I've long advocated war, if necessary, to bring about the end of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's evil regime, as the time nears where American soldiers venture […]
Alterman's take on Bernie Goldberg is to nickel-and-dime the former CBS newsman to death. Anyone who's read Goldberg's book knows it's not a scholarly work. It is a series of recollections on a subject. Goldberg is loose with his language, which is not surprising. Alterman punishes him for it, which is also not surprising. However, […]
Well, Paul Krugman's written another column, and war has not yet started. Krugman's latest thesis is that the U.S. has gone beserk when it comes to our foreign policy. The members of the Bush team don't seem bothered by the enormous ill will they have generated in the rest of the world. They seem to […]
Well, I sent out a response to the SPJ-L listserv to the one I made below, prompting a number of irrelevant responses. One person responded that the operation in Kosovo was a NATO operation -- "totally within Europe, was not UN." And this is relevant how? Clinton went to war without U.N. approval. NATO is […]
Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien said that Canadian forces would not fight in a war with Iraq. We're going to miss them -- all 30 of them.
I subscribe to the Society of Professional Journalists Internet listserv. Why? I'm not sure exactly. It long ago stopped being a forum for discussing journalism issues. It's now mostly a right-bashing club, with a lone conservative (who's not even a journalist) presenting himself as a whipping boy for a bunch of leftists, from America and […]
Therefore it must be a Republican's fault. It seems former Clintonite and spokesman for Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign Chris Lehane pulled a dummy and left his laptop in plain sight in his car. Of course, to certain, less-than-upstanding Californians fallen on tough times due to Gov. Gray Davis' economic policies, such a pricey item […]