April 20, 2003
No respect for "choice"

The National Organization for Women has once again demonstrated that despite its claim that it is "pro-choice" what it really is is pro-abortion. The head of the Morris County (N.J.) NOW chapter is objecting to prosecuters seeking a double-murder charge in the case of Laci Peterson, the 8-months pregnant Modesto, Calif., woman allegedly murdered by […]

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April 18, 2003
Book report

I'm on vacation this week and I spent much of the day reading Nicholas Sparks' latest book, "The Guardian." Like the rest of Sparks' books, it's a romance (yes, I'm a hopeless romantic, I plead guilty), but unlike most of his other books, there is thriller aspect to the novel as the main characters have […]

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April 18, 2003
Full of hot air

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman's body has been taken over by aliens. Or at least, you'd think so if you read only the first sentence of his latest column where he actually praises the Bush administration for new the new rules on diesel emissions. However, it's clear the aliens have not completely asserted control […]

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April 17, 2003
Blame America First!

A Reuters dispatch puts the blame for the crackdown on Cuban dissidents squarely where it belongs -- on America. The headline: Rising Dissent, US Pressure Led to Cuba Repression

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April 17, 2003
Look at me! I'm important!

That's what Martin Sullivan and Gary Vikan, members of the the U.S. presidential panel on cultural property are saying as they resign in protest over the looting of Baghdad's museum by Iraqis. "Our priorities had a big gap," Sullivan told Reuters on Thursday. "In a pre-emptive war that's the kind of thing you should have […]

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April 16, 2003
What Liberal Media?

Once again, Eric Alterman's thesis that the media really are conservative is demonstrated to be false by...the media. An AP report published on CNN's Web site reveals that lesbian musician Melissa Etheridge is "getting married" in Los Angeles. This will be news to many who thought that the law of the land was that marriage […]

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April 15, 2003
They fear what they do not understand

In the midst of my moving/home-improvement distraction, I missed the news that Secretary of Education Rod Paige caused a brouhaha among the East Coast elite by mentioning religion. What Paige said, in response to a question from the Baptist Press (the news service of the Southern Baptist Convention) about whether secular or religious colleges and […]

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April 15, 2003
Another reminder why I don't watch much local TV news

Granted, I work for the newspaper and all too often all the TV "journalists" do is swipe stories from the morning paper (they learned this in college) and read them on air. Because there was a pitching change in the Padres game, I flipped up a channel to see what was on, catching just a […]

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April 15, 2003
Not-so-useful idiots

Protest Warrior has some video from a San Francisco anti-war rally. You can find it here. I particularly like the lady that says she likes a dictator if he provides: clean water, free health care and free education. Translation: Castro good, Bush bad.

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April 15, 2003
Maybe he's paranoid...

Or maybe it's just because we're out to get him. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman's latest diatribe isn't directed at the Bush administration, but at House Republicans -- certainly a change of pace. While some new Krugman fodder would be welcome, unfortunately today's column is just a replay of the attacks against the old […]

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