August 29, 2003
Krugman's liberal talking points

The latest Paul Krugman diatribe isn't anything we haven't heard before. Krugman has three basic columns: the economy's bad and it's Bush's fault; our foreign policy is bad and it's Bush's fault, and; I stubbed my toe and it's Bush's fault. I understand that Krugman doesn't feel bound by the most basic journalistic principle: accuracy. […]

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August 29, 2003
A real laugher

Yesterday's Washington Post had an article by Howard Kurtz on "comedian" Al Franken and his new book. The article is interesting, and sure ensure that conservatives ignore Franken's book. Anecdotes about Franken ambushing Wall Street Journal editorial page editor Paul Gigot and Franken offering to fight National Review's Rich Lowry in a parking garage demonstrate […]

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August 29, 2003
Paying your dues

The American Journalism Review has a good article on paying your dues in journalism. The article came out in March 2003, but for those aspiring journalists it accurately describes the way a journalism career usually works. It also makes clear that the Jayson Blairs of the world -- their first job is as a reporter […]

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August 28, 2003
Fidel Castro goes to heaven...

Thanks to NRO's Jay Nordlinger for this one: Castro dies and goes to heaven [bear with us]. When he gets there, St. Peter tells him that he is not on the list and that, no way, no how, does he belong in heaven. Castro must go to hell. So Castro goes to hell, where Satan […]

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August 28, 2003
Taxes in Alabama

The Wall Street Journal's John Fund has an article on the effort to significantly raise taxes in Alabama by appealing to the public's religious beliefs. Fund's key paragraph: How would Jesus tax the state? Well, no can say for sure. But it's a safe bet that waste, duplication of services and pork-barrel spending aren't in […]

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August 28, 2003
Gray Davis' word magic

Robert Musil explains how California Gov. Gray Davis does verbal prestidigitation.

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August 28, 2003
Bad journalism

The New York Times again lets its editorials work their way onto the news pages. As reported on Fox News and, a Times article by Elisabeth Bumiller purports to find dissatisfaction with Bush's performance by conservative religious people. At the same time, some religious supporters of Mr. Bush say they feel betrayed by promises […]

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August 27, 2003
Our friends the Saudis

Stephan Schwartz has an informative article on Saudi support for terrorism. There's little in it that hasn't been said before. But if you haven't been closely following the relationship between Saudi Arabia, terrorism, Wahhabism and the United States, then the piece an excellent summary.

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August 27, 2003
Episcopal Church aftermath

Christopher Johnson over at the Midwest Conservative Journal is on top of the fallout from the Episcopal Church's decision to confirm actively-gay Bishop Gene Robinson.

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August 27, 2003
Irrelevant NOW?

If there was any doubt that the National Organization for Women no longer represents any significant number of women, then this clinches it. Today, Women's Equality Day, the National Organization for Women's Political Action Committee is proud to announce our endorsement of former Ambassador and Senator Carol Moseley Braun for President of the United States. […]

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