If you're looking for some underreported good news from Iraq, check out this article in Saturday's Philadelphia Inquirer.
I spent a couple of hours on Monday and Tuesday speaking to a couple of Laura Little's sixth graders about journalism, writing and interviewing. Of course, the kids have questions. My favorite: Kid: "Are you famous?" Me: "Before Ms. Little told you I was coming, had you heard of me?" Kid: "No." Me: "Then I'm […]
Don Luskin has already a cursory shot at New York Times columnist Paul Krugman's latest offering and labeled and phantom corrections. I'd just like to echo Luskin's assessment of the labeled correction. I, too, was struck by the "I'm not the only person who's screwed up and made this mistake and anyway, it's not so […]
Just caught Sacramento Bee columnist Dan Walters on Fox News. Walters said that, unless today's admission by Arnold Schwarzenegger that he's "behaved badly" with women has a bigger impact than he believes it will, he expects Gray Davis to be recalled and Arnold Schwarzenegger to be the next governor of California.
I'm not going to do extensive commentary about the flare up on whether Bush administration officials illegally leaked the name of Valerie Plame Wilson to get back at her mint-tea-sipping sleuthing husband. (If you're interested in the issue, Thomas Maguire over at JustOneMinute is the guy to see -- his link is on the left.) […]
The Sacramento Bee's Dan Walters column today reports on the flip side of the allegedly Republican-supported military-industrial complex: the enviornmental-corporate complex. In contemporary California, we should be equally concerned about the rising political power of what one might term an "environmental-corporate complex," whose game works something like this: A corporation acquires land, proposes development and […]
I was flipping through some of the excerpts from former President Ronald Reagan's letters in TIme magazine, and this one made me laugh out loud: Andy Smith, a seventh-grader in Irmo, S.C., wrote the President in 1984, "Today my mother declared my bedroom a disaster area. I would like to request federal funds to hire […]
I've got "The O'Reilly Factor" paused right now. He just got finished interviewing Middle East expert Daniel Pipes and now he's on to Arab terror apologist Sarah Eltantawi of the Muslim Public Affairs Council. Oh, the torture. Do I listen or do I skp it? OK, sometimes I'm into self-abuse. Oh my, she's doing math. […]
Donald Luskin reports that Paul Krugman's non-fact-checked column quotes Winston Churchill incorrrectly. The "most unsordid act" in history that Churchill refers to is the Lend-Lease Act, not the Marshall Plan. Kinda messes up the whole title of the column.
New York Times columnist is back from vacation. It should really be no surprise no one that some time off has not cured Krugman's madness. After tossing out innuendo, but no evidence, regarding the fairly won, contracts Halliburton and Bechtel received being a result of "crony capitalism," Krugman moves on to the process for awarding […]