Was listening to Ollie North on Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes" and he referred to "Saddamites." That threw me for a second, because I first interpreted it as "Sodomites." Call them Saddamists or something.
Was listening to Ollie North on Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes" and he referred to "Saddamites." That threw me for a second, because I first interpreted it as "Sodomites." Call them Saddamists or something.
Ever since the Supreme Court used its psychotic psychic powers to "discover" a right to privacy in the Constitution, the court has had to occasionally do mental contortionism to prevent "privacy" from going to its ludicrous conclusion. The courts are going to have to do it again. Notorious polygamist Tom Green is suing to have […]
Sunday's New York Times carried an extensive editorial on abortion and its political future. The piece, entitled "Frank Talk About Abortion," is anything but frank, because it contains falsehoods, ignores (when it does not casually dismiss) those who don't hold to the Times far-left liberal line. [T]he current debate about so-called partial birth abortion has […]
It didn't take long for those on the left end of the political spectrum to come completely unhinged after President Bush's surprise visit to the troops in Baghdad yesterday. Some of it is the predictable whining that this was a political stunt. [While it may benefit Bush politically, the real reason Bush did this was […]
For those of you who have to work or aren't to thrilled at the prospect of battling the crowds at your local mall, here's some things to peruse on the Web. The Washington Post's Charles Krauthammer has an excellent column on the latest so-called "peace plan" between Israel and the Palestinians. The fact that the […]
President Bush snuck off to Iraq yesterday to eat Thanksgiving dinner with the troops at the Baghdad International Airport. Read his speech here.
The embed program in Iraq is still going on, even though major combat operations have ended. French weekly Paris Match recently had a photographer and a reporter embedded with Baathist insurgents as they attacked a DHL cargo plane. He said Sessini and a special correspondent sent to Iraq, Claudine Verniez-Palliez, had been with the group […]
Those peace-loving "oppressed" Palestinians had Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein collector dolls confiscated at the port in Haifa, Israel. These are being imported because there's a market for them -- simple as that. These evil, murderous, vile monsters are heroes to the Palestinian people because they hate America and they hate Jews. One thing […]
Hope you're having a wonderful holiday. The Hoy-non-free-range turkey was delicious.